Courses at
Institute of History
- Supplementary Courses 05-JK-SAWSI-02hisf2
- Supplementary Courses 05-RJwDMC-02hisf2
- Supplementary Courses 05-SPwPLIIWS-02hisf2
- Supplementary Courses 05-DRaWoP-02hisf2
- Teaching civic education part 1 05-DWoS-01sm
- Teaching civic education part 2 05-DWoS.1-02sm
- Teaching civic education: Pedagogical practice (Civic education) 05-DWoS.2-02sm
- Teaching history in primary school 05-DHwSzPc-24hisn1
- Teaching history in primary school 05-DHwSzPw-24hisn1
- Teaching history in primary school 05-DHwSzPc-35hisn1
- Teaching history in primary school 05-DHwSzPw-35hisn1
- Teaching literature and the Polish language 05-MNLiJP-24hws
- Teaching Polish 05-MNJP-23hws
- Teaching Polish 05-MNJP-35hws
- Teaching practice 05-PrPedg-12hws
- Teaching practice 05-PraPed-23hisn1
- Teaching practice 05-PrawSz-35hisn1
- Teaching practice 05-PrawSz-36hisn1
- Teaching practice - Polish/history and society 05-PJPHiS-35hws
- Teaching practices in upper secodary school (social studies [WOS]) 05o-PwSPGWOS-24uhisk
- Teaching practices in upper secondary school 05o-PwSPG-24uhisnb
- Teaching practices in upper secondary school 05o-PwSPG-24uhisnk
- Terrorism and media messages 05-TaPM-24upm1
- Test subject - nazwa nag 05-TEST-001-ZIMA
- Test subject - nazwa nag 05-TEST-002-LATO
- The basics of entrepreneurship 05-PP-24h1
- The basics of entrepreneurship 05-PP-24hz1
- The basics of entrepreneurship 05-PP-24he1
- The basics of journalism in practice 05-PWD-23pm1
- The basics of pedagogy 05-PodPed-12hisn1
- The basics of pedagogy 05-PodPed-23hisn1
- The basics of psychology 05-PodPsch-12hisn1
- The basics of psychology 05-PodPsch-23hisn1
- The church in the Middle Ages 05-KwS-23hm1
- The church in the Middle Ages 05-KwS-23hme1
- The cultural heritage of Europe 05-DKEu-04smz
- The cultural heritage of Europe 05-DKEu-06smz
- The cultural heritage of Europe 05-DKEu-06sm
- The cultural heritage of historical periods 05-DKE-06sm
- The cultural heritage of Poland 05-DKPL-04smz
- The cultural heritage of Poland 05-DKPL-06smz
- The cultural heritage of Poland 05-DKPL-06sme
- The cultural heritage of Poland 05-DKPL-06sm
- The economy of the European Union: Institutional tools of managing the economy on the EU level 05-GUE2-01usm
- The economy of the European Union: The EU budget 05-GUE1-02usm
- The economy of the European Union: The EU funds 05-GUE2-02usm
- The economy of the European Union: The origin and development of European integration 05-GUE1-01usm
- The heroes and anti-heroes of European politics in the 20th and 21st centuries (lecture ) 05-BiAP1-02usm
- The heroes and anti-heroes of Polish politics in the 20th and 21st centuries (tutorial) 05-BiAP2-02usm
- The history of children and childhood: Children in early modern history (16th - 18th c.) 05-HDiD-03sm
- The history of children and childhood: Children in early modern history (16th - 18th c.) 05-HDiD-03sme
- The history of children and childhood: Children in the 19th and 20th c. 05-HDiD-04sm
- The history of children and childhood: Children in the 19th and 20th c. 05-HDiD-04sme
- The history of children and childhood: Children in the Byzantine Empire and the Middle Ages 05-HDiD-02sm
- The history of children and childhood: Children in the Byzantine Empire and the Middle Ages 05-HDiD-02sme
- The history of entrepreneurship 2 05-HP2-01sm
- The history of entrepreneurship 2: Entrepreneurship in Poland 05-HP2-02sm
- The history of Europe: selected issues 05-WPzHEu-06sm
- The history of non-European regions 2: Near East and North Africa 05-HOPEu2-01sm
- The history of non-European regions 2: Near East and North Africa 05-HOPEu2-01sme
- The history of Poland: selected issues 18-WPzHPL-06sme
- The history of Poland: selected issues 05-WPzHPL-06sm
- The history of Poland: selected issues 05-WPzHPL-06smz
- The history of Poland: selected issues 05-WPzHPL-06sme
- The history of the Polish-Lithuanian Union: Polish-Lithuanian Union in the 16th-18th c. 05-DUPLL-03sme
- The history of the Polish-Lithuanian Union: Polish-Lithuanian Union in the 16th-18th c. 05-DUPLL-03smz
- The history of the Polish-Lithuanian Union: The history of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in sources 05-DUPLL-04sme
- The history of the Polish-Lithuanian Union: The history of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in sources 05-DUPLL-04smz
- The history of the Polish-Lithuanian Union: The history of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in sources 05-DUPLL-04sm
- The law and registry path for archivists: Archive law 05-SPKdA-1-04umssB
- The law and registry path for archivists: Contemporary registry office and contemporary registry forms 05-SPKdA-2-04umssB
- The law in market economy: Bases of economic law 05-PwGR-04sm
- The law in market economy: Bases of the law 05-PwGR-01sm
- The law in market economy: Labour law 05-PwGR-02sm
- The law in market economy: Social security 05-PwGR-03sm
- The population of a selected location in Wielkopolska in the 18th-19th centuries - processing databses part 1 05-LWMwW-01usm
- The population of a selected location in Wielkopolska in the 18th-19th centuries - processing databses part 1 05-LWMwW-01usme
- The population of a selected location in Wielkopolska in the 18th-19th centuries - processing databses part 2 05-LWMwW-02usm
- The population of a selected location in Wielkopolska in the 18th-19th centuries - processing databses part 2 05-LWMwW-02usme
- The population of a selected location in Wielkopolska in the 18th-19th centuries - processing databses part 3 05-LWMwW-03usme
- The population of a selected location in Wielkopolska in the 18th-19th centuries - processing databses part 4 05-LWMwW-04usme
- The presence of historical knowledge in contemporary world 05-OWHwSW-35hws
- The significance of historical knowledge in European culture - from Antiquity to modernity 05-ZWHwKEu-01sm
- The significance of historical knowledge in European culture - from Antiquity to modernity 05-ZWHwKEu-01smz
- The significance of historical knowledge in European culture - from enlightenment to today 05-ZWHwKEu-02smz
- The state and its citizen: Forms of social and political systems 05-PiO-02usm
- The world of Christian religious orders: Monastic life in medieval Europe and Poland 05-SChZ-02sm
- The world of Christian religious orders: Monastic life in medieval Europe and Poland 05-SChZ-02sme
- The world of Christian religious orders: The origins of Christian monasticism 05-SChZ-01sm
- The world of Christian religious orders: The origins of Christian monasticism 05-SChZ-01sme
- Theories and mechanisms of media functioning 05-TiMFM-23upm1
- Theory and methods of archival science - classes 05o-TiMAc-12uarchk
- Theory and methods of archival science - lecture 05-TiMAw-11uarch1
- Theory and methods of archival science - lecture 05o-TiMAw-12uarchk
- Theory and methods of archival science - workshop 05-TiMAwar-11uarch1
- Time and space in the Middle Ages 05-CiPwS-12hme1
- Time and space in the Middle Ages 05-CiPwS-12hm1
- Topography of culture - architecture and spatial organisation - Specialisation: History of culture 05o-TKAOP-24uhist3sp
- Totalitarianism and authoritarianism in Europe and beyond: Totalitarianism and authoritarianism in Europe after WWII 05-TiAwEiPN-02sm
- Totalitarianism and authoritarianism in Europe and beyond: Totalitarianism and authoritarianism outside Europe 05-TiAwEiPN-03sm