Courses at
Institute of Eastern Studies
- (in Polish) Podstawy prawa rosyjskiego 05-PPR-Wsch
- (in Polish) Struktura społeczna, etniczna i religijna regionów Azji Środkowej i Kaukazu 05-SSERRAS-11-WschU
- (in Polish) Węzłowe problemy dziejów Azji Środkowej i Kaukazu 05-WPASK-11-WschU
- (in Polish) Azja środkowa i Kaukaz Południowy we współczesnych stosunkach politycznych 05-ASKP-12-WschU
- (in Polish) Transformacja polityczna i ekonomiczna państw kaukaskich i środkowoazjatyckich 05-TRUEPKS-12-WschU
- (in Polish) Wstęp do wiedzy o prawie rosyjskim 05-WWPR-12-WschU
- B.A. seminar 05-SEL-36wsch
- Basics of economy 05-PEK-23-Wsch
- Basics of marketing and management 05-PMZ-11-Wsch
- BRICS–Russia in the circle of the largest emerging markets 05-BRICS-23-WschU
- Caucasian actors of the Russian Federation 05-KPFR-23-WschU
- Caucasus - the specificity of region 05-KSR-35-Wsch
- Central Asia - the specificity of region 05-ASSRE-35-Wsch
- Contemporary culture of the countries of Eastern Europe and Asia I 05-WKKEAAI-23-Wsch
- Contemporary culture of the countries of Eastern Europe and Asia II (classes) 05-WKKEWAIIC-24-Wsch
- Contemporary culture of the countries of Eastern Europe and Asia II (lecture) 05-WKKEWAIIW-24-Wsch
- Country’s defences and security policy of the Russian Federation 05-POBFR-23-WschU
- Cultural heritage and contemporary culture of region 05-DKRK-23-WschU
- Culture and media in Eastern European states 05-KMPEW-23-WschU
- Culture contemporary Russia 05-KWR-12-wschU
- East Europe countries - the specifity of region 05-KEWSR-36-Wsch
- Eastern European Studies discussion seminar 05-KON-35-Wsch
- Eastern European Studies seminar 05-PR-35-Wsch
- Eastern studies seminar 05-KON-11-WschU
- Eastern studies seminar 05-KON-23-WschU
- Eastern studies seminar 05-KON-12-WschU
- Eastern studies seminar 05-KON-24-WschU
- Economic transformation and market systems of Eastern European countries 05-TGSRKE-12-m-WschU
- Economic transformations in the Baltic States 05-PGPB-11-WschU
- European Union and its Neighbourhood Policy 05-UEP-23-Wsch
- Field practice 05-PT-24-Wsch
- Graduate seminar (MA Thesis Seminar) 05-SLM-11-WschU
- Graduate seminar (MA Thesis Seminar) 05-SLM-23-WschU
- Graduate seminar (MA Thesis Seminar) 05-SLM-24-WschU
- Graduate seminar (MA Thesis Seminar) 05-SLM-12-WschU
- History of the post-Soviet area I 05-HOPDKc-12-Wsch
- History of the post-Soviet area I 05-HOPDKw-12-Wsch
- Integration of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia into EU 05-LLE-23-WschU
- Intercultural contacts in Eastern Europe and Asia 05-KMEW-36-Wsch
- International policy of contemporary Russia 05-PMWRc-12-WschU
- International, security and regional cooperation policy of states of Eastern Europe 05-PMBW-23-WschU
- Introduction to knowledge on Russian law 05-WWPR-11-WschU
- Introduction to knowledge on Russian law 05-WWPR-24-WschU
- Journalistic workshops 05-WDZ-11-WschU
- Latvia and Estonia in XX-XXI centuries 05-LEW-12-WschU
- Lithuania in XX-XXI centuries. 05-LIT-11-WschU
- Migration in Eastern European and Asian countries 05-MKEWA-24-wsch
- National minorities in the Baltic States 05-MNKB-12-WschU
- Poland – The Baltic States relations after 1990 05-SPPB-12-WschU
- Polish eastern policy 05-PPWS-12-WschU
- Political and institutional (system-wide) transformation of countries of Eastern Europe 05-TPUKEW-11-m-WschU
- Political relations within the region of Eastern Europe and Asia 05-SPREW-23-Wsch
- Political relations within the region of Eastern Europe and Asia 05-SPREWc-23-Wsch
- Political system of the Russian Federation 05-SPFR-11-WschU
- Problems of social life in Russia 05-PZSR-23-WschU
- Public international law (classes) 05-PMPC-12-Wsch
- Public international law (lecture) 05-PMPW-12-Wsch
- Regional socioeconomic geography 05-GSGR-11-WschU
- Relations between Poland and Eastern European states 05-SPPEW-23-WschU
- Religions and philosophical systems in the post-Soviet area 05-RSS-11-Wsch
- Rudiments of marketing 05-EMZK-23-WschU
- Russia in XX-XXI centuries 05-ROS-11-WschU
- Russian language 05-JONR-23-Wsch
- Russian language 05-JONR-35-Wsch
- Russian language 05-JONR-11-Wsch
- Russian language 05-JONR-24-Wsch
- Social and economic life of Eastern Europe and Asia 05-ZSGKC-35-Wsch
- Social and economic life of Eastern Europe and Asia 05-ZSGKW-35-Wsch
- Social and media communication 05-KMS-23-Wsch
- The areas of Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Caucasus and Siberia as the tourist regions 05-OEW-23-WschU
- The Baltic states - specifity of region 05-KBSR-36-Wsch
- The etnic map of former Soviet Union's countries 05-MEKZ-11-Wsch
- Theory and practice of diplomacy 05-TPD-12-WschU
- Traditional and contemporary culture of the Baltic countries 05-KTW-23-WschU
- Transformation of Russian economy 05-TGSRR-12-WschU