Courses at
Faculty of Physics
- Electroacoustic transducers 04-R-PEL-45-1L
- Electroacoustic Transducers 04-S1AKph02-P05695
- Electroacoustic Transducers 04-S1RDZ02-P05695
- Electroacoustic Transducers 04-N1AKps02-P05695
- Electroacoustic Transducers 04-S1AKpo02-P05695
- Electroacoustics I 04-K-ELK1-30-4Z
- Electroacoustics I 04-S2AK01-P07039
- Electroacoustics II 04-K-ELK2-30-4L
- Electroacoustics laboratory 04-R-PEL-30-2Z
- Electroacoustics laboratory 04-PRACELEKTRZ
- Electroacoustics laboratory 04-S1RD03-P05705
- Electroacoustics laboratory 04-S1RDZ03-P05705
- Electromagnetism 04-F-ELM-120-1L
- Electron microscopy 04-S2FZpa03-F03269
- Electronics 04-P-ELE-15-1Z
- Electronics 04-R-ELE-30-1Z
- Electronics 04-A-ELE-30-2L
- Electronics 04-M-ELE-30-1L
- Electronics 04-S1FZM02-P02787
- Electronics 04-S1RDZ02-P02787
- Electronics 04-S1AK02-P02787
- Electronics 04-S1RD02-P02787
- Electronics and hearing aids laboratory 04-P-PEAS-20-3L
- Electronics Laboratory 04-M-PEL-45-2Z
- Electronics Laboratory 04-S1FZM03-P02798
- Elementary matchematics 04-O-MEL-60-1Z
- Elementary mathematics 04-MATE-Z1OO
- Elementary mathematics 04-S1AS01-P00190
- Elementary mathematics 04-S3INK01-P00190
- Elementary mathematics (remedial classes) 04-S1FZ01-P03283
- Elements of Anatomy 04-M-EAT-60-1Z
- Elements of Entrepreneurship 04-K-EPRZ-60-5L
- Elements of logic and multilevel theories 04-S3INK02-P02416
- Elements of marketing 04-S1AK04-P07002
- Elements of mathematical physics 04-W-EFM-45
- Elements of medical ethics 04-M-EEL-15-2L
- Elements of nanobiotechnology 04-S1BF04-F02817
- Elements of physics 1 04-T-ELF1-75-1Z
- Elements of quantum field theory 04-F-EKTP-60-4L
- Elements of the criminal justice system 04-S2AK04-P07037
- Embedded systems 04-T-SW-90-2Z
- Emission of Voice 04-EG15-PED
- Emission of voice 04-EG10-PED
- Energy and electron transfer in biomolecules 04-B-TEEB-45-4L
- Energy and electron transport in molecular systems 04-S2FZbm03-F03339
- Energy and electron transport in molecular systems 04-S2FZfo03-F03339
- Energy and electron transport in molecular systems 04-S2FZma03-F03339
- English 04-N1AK02-ANG-20
- English 04-N1AK03-ANG-20
- English 04-N1OKO02-ANG-20
- English 04-N1OKO03-ANG-20
- English 04-N1OKO04-ANG-20
- English 1 04-AN1-Z1OO
- English 2 04-AN2-Z2OO
- English 3 04-AN3-Z2OO
- English 4 04-AN4-Z3OO
- English I 04-ANGZ1
- English II 04-ANGZ2
- English in Vision Science 04-O-EVS-30-4Z
- English in Vision Science 04-O-EVS-30-4L
- English in vision science 04-N2OP01-P03760
- English in vision science 04-N2OP02-P03760
- English in vision science 04-S2OP01-P03760
- English in vision science 04-S2OP02-P03760
- English in Vision Science 1 04-ANS1-Z1O
- English in Vision Science 2 04-ANS-Z1O
- Enhanced auditory system diagnostics 04-S2AKaa04-P07056
- Enterprise 04-PRZEDS-Y
- Enterprise in Internet 04-I-FWI-30-4L
- Entrepreneurship in Astronomy 04-A-PWA-30-5Z
- Entrepreneurship in Astronomy 04-H-PWA-45
- Entrepreneurship in Astronomy 04-S2AS04-P02202
- Environmental Acoustics 04-K-AKS-30-4L
- Environmental acoustics 04-S2AKas02-P07030
- Essence of Physics in historical perspective 04-H-HSTF-45
- Essence of Physics in Historical Perspective 04-O-IFNH-45-5L
- Essentials of physics 2 04-T-ELF2-75-1L
- Examination of Refraction - basic 04-BR1-Z1O
- Examination of Refraction - extended 04-BR2-Z1O
- Experimental methods in biophysics I.1 04-B-MEB11-60-4Z
- Experimental methods in biophysics I.2 04-B-MEB12-60-4L
- Experimental methods in biophysics II.1 04-B-MEB21-75-5Z
- Experimental methods in condensed matter 04-F-MEFS-30-4L
- Experimental methods of biophysics 2.1 04-B-MEB22-75-5L
- Experimental quantum optics 04-W-DOK-45
- External practices (4 weeks) 04-S2FZpa04-P12936
- Extracorporeal life support 04-M-PMPZ-45-2Z
- Extracorporeal life support 04-S1FZM03-F02801
- Extragalactic astronomy and cosmology 04-A-APK-75-5Z
- Extragalactic astronomy and cosmology 04-S2AS03-P02193
- Extrasolar planets 04-W-PPZS-45
- Extrasolar planets 04-S2AS02-F02200
- Extrasolar planets 04-S2AS04-F02200
- Fabrication and analysis of surface nanostructures I 04-S2FZpa02-F03261
- Fabrication and analysis of surface nanostructures II 04-S2FZpa03-F03267
- Fabrication and characterization of nanonstructures 04-S2FZbm02-F03335
- Fabrication and characterization of nanonstructures 04-S2FZfo02-F03335
- Fabrication and characterization of nanonstructures 04-S2FZma02-P03335
- Faculty seminar 04-semwydział1-DD
- Financial Analysis and Accounting 04-I-AFK-45-4L