Courses at
Faculty of Physics
- Introduction to Astrophysics 1 04-A-WAF1-60-1L
- Introduction to astrophysics 1 04-S1AS02-P02146
- Introduction to Astrophysics 2 04-A-WAF2-60-2Z
- Introduction to astrophysics 2 04-S1AS03-P02149
- Introduction to celestial mechanics 04-A-WMN-60-2Z
- Introduction to celestial mechanics 04-S1AS03-P02152
- Introduction to clinical diagnosis and therapy 04-S1FZM02-P02789
- Introduction to computational studies of electronic structure of nanosystems 04-S2FZpa01-F03242
- Introduction to Computational Studies of Electronic Structure of Nanosystems 04-S2FZik03-F04365
- Introduction to computer science 04-S3INK01-P00315
- Introduction to Computer Science and Digital Electronics 04-T-WIEC-30-1Z
- Introduction to computer science and digital electronics 04-S3TK01-P04988
- Introduction to didactics 04-S1FZ-MN01-P00771
- Introduction to didactics 04-S2FZ-MN01-P00771
- Introduction to elementary particle physics 04-IEPP
- Introduction to fluorescence spectroscopy 04-S2FZpa02-F03256
- Introduction to implants 04-IMPLANT
- Introduction to implants 04-P-IWP-30-3L
- Introduction to internet technologies 04-T-WTI-30-1Z
- Introduction to magnetism physics 04-W-WFMG-45
- Introduction to many particle systems 04-F-WTWC-60-4L
- Introduction to mathematics 04-S3INK01-P00194
- Introduction to medical physics 04-M-WFM-30-1L
- Introduction to medical physics 04-S1FZM01-P02783
- Introduction to mesoscopic physics 04-F-WFUM-60-3Z
- Introduction to metamaterials, plasmonics, and photonic crystals 04-S2FZpa01-F03245
- Introduction to Metamaterials, Plasmonics, and Photonic Crystals 04-S2FZik03-F04359
- Introduction to metrology, probabilistic methods and statistics 04-T-WPMS-45-2Z
- Introduction to metrology, probabilistic methods and statistics 04-S3TK04-P05000
- Introduction to Molecular Magnetism 04-S2FZik02-F04355
- Introduction to Nanobiotechnology 04-F-ENB-60-3L
- Introduction to neutron scattering 04-E-INS-30-4Z
- Introduction to neutron scattering 04-S2FZpa01-F03244
- Introduction to nuclear and particle physics 04-F-WFJ-45-3Z
- Introduction to Nuclear Physics 04-W-INP-30
- Introduction to pedagogy for teachers part 1 04-MN-P01339
- Introduction to pedagogy for teachers part 1 04-MN-P01340
- Introduction to pedagogy for teachers part 2 04-MN-P01342
- Introduction to Physics Laboratory 04-F-WDL-15-1Z
- Introduction to Physics Laboratory 04-B-WPF-30-1Z
- Introduction to Physics Laboratory 04-O-WPF-15-1Z
- Introduction to psychoacoustics 04-WPSYAKUZ
- Introduction to psychoacoustics 04-N1AK02-P02804
- Introduction to psychoacoustics 04-S2AK01-F02804
- Introduction to psychoacoustics 04-S1FZM03-F02804
- Introduction to psychoacoustics 1 04-S1AK03-F15027
- Introduction to psychoacoustics 1 04-S1RDZ03-F15027
- Introduction to psychoacoustics 1 04-S1RD03-F15027
- Introduction to psychoacoustics 2 04-S1AK03-F15028
- Introduction to psychoacoustics 2 04-S1RDZ03-F15028
- Introduction to psychoacoustics 2 04-S1RD03-F15028
- Introduction to Psychoacoustics II 04-PR-WPS2-30-2Z
- Introduction to Psychoacoutics I 04-PR-WPS1-30-2Z
- Introduction to psychology for teachers part 2 04-MN-P01341
- Introduction to Quantum Many Particle Theory 04-W-WKTU-45
- Introduction to Quantum Physics 04-A-PKW-60-3Z
- Introduction to signal processing 04-ANALSYGN
- Introduction to signal processing 04-PR-PAS-60-2Z
- Introduction to signal processing 04-S1AKph03-P02809
- Introduction to signal processing 04-N1AK02-P02809
- Introduction to signal processing 04-S1RD03-P02809
- Introduction to signal processing 04-S1AKpo03-P02809
- Introduction to signal processing 04-S1RDZ03-P02809
- Introduction to statistical analysis 04-K-WAS-30-4Z
- Introduction to the database 04-A-WBD-60-3Z
- Introduction to the physics of materials 04-S2FZbm02-F03334
- Introduction to the physics of materials 04-S2FZfo02-F03334
- Introduction to the physics of materials 04-S2FZma02-P03334
- Introduction to Theory of Condensed Matter 04-F-WTMS-90-3Z
- Introduction to topological properties of condensed matter 04-W-WWTM-45
- Introduction to Transport and Topological Properties of Matter 04-S2FZik02-F04354
- Introduction to web programming 04-T-WPWWW-45-2L
- Introduction to WWW programming 04-S3TK04-P05002
- Introductory Mathematics 04-A-MEL-60-1Z
- IPR, patents and entrepreneurship 04-X-WIPP-15-2Z
- IPR, patents and entrepreneurship 04-WLASNOSZ
- IT technology for teachers part 1 04-S1FZ-MN03-P12720
- IT technology for teachers part 2 04-S1FZ-MN04-P12722
- Java programming I 04-I-PJAV-60-4Z
- Java programming II 04-I-PJAV2-60-4L
- Kinetic modelling 04-M-MKP-60-3Z
- Laboratory Measuring Systems 04-T-PSP-45-4Z
- Laboratory of digital signals processing and visualization 04-W-LPWSP-45
- Laboratory of experimental techniques 04-S2FZpa01-P03233
- Laboratory of mechanics 04-M-LMECH-30-1L
- Laboratory of Medical Physics 1 04-M-PFM1-60-4Z
- Laboratory of Medical Physics 1 04-S2FZM01-P02826
- Laboratory of Medical Physics 2 04-M-PFM2-60-4L
- laboratory statistics 04-T-STL-10-1Z
- Laboratory statistics 04-S3TK01-P04987
- Large Scale Facilities for Soft Matter Studies 04-B-IBMM-45-4L
- Lasers in medicine 04-M-LWM-45-3L
- Law on education 04-PAZN-PED
- Lecture from the Musicology major 04-S1RD04-F15031
- Lecture from the Musicology major 04-S1RDZ04-F15031
- Lectures by representatives, employers and study visits 04-S2FZM03-P13869
- Legal and ethical aspects of Optometry 04-PEA-Z1O
- Legal and ethical aspects of the optometric profession 04-N2OP01-P03755
- Legal and ethical aspects of the optometric profession 04-S2OP01-P03755
- Legal basis of the profession of a hearing care professional 04-S1AKpo03-P07010