Courses at
Institute of Polish Philology
- (in Polish) Redakcja tekstu naukowego 03-RTN-DD
- (in Polish) Specjalistyczna informacja naukowa 03-SIN-DD
- (in Polish) Językoznawcze lektury metodologiczne 03-JLM-IVZD
- (in Polish) Literaturoznawcze lektury metodologiczne 03-LLM-IVZD
- (in Polish) Tutorial doktorancki 03-TD-IVZD
- (in Polish) Literatura i nowe media 03-LNM-32PFDL-E
- (in Polish) Nauki pomocnicze 03-NPO-21PFDL
- (in Polish) Queer in Literature and Culture 03-F-QLC
- (in Polish) Historia Polski XX/XXI wieku i jej odbicie w literaturze 03-ZW-HP
- (in Polish) "Ziemie odzyskane" - przestrzeń i pamięć 03-ZW-ZO
- (in Polish) Polska literatura dziecięca 03-ZW-PLD
- (in Polish) Polska obrzędowość 03-ZW-PO
- (in Polish) Nauczyciel w szkole - radzenie sobie w sytuacjach trudnych 03-NS-r2PFDU
- (in Polish) Język polski jako obcy 03-JPO-22PNDM-E
- (in Polish) Wielkie debaty i spory romantyków: naród jako wspólnota otwarta vs nacjonalizm romantyczny, swojskość i Europa, kwestia żydowska, Rosja 03-F-WDSR
- (in Polish) Zagłada i literatura 03-F-10zl
- (in Polish) Warsztat polonisty - czytanie 03-F-11zl
- (in Polish) Ćwiczenia w interpretacji utworów z XIX w. 03-F-20zl
- (in Polish) Literatura powszechna XIX w. 03-F-21zl
- (in Polish) "Ziemie odzyskane" - przestrzeń i pamięć 03-ZW-ZOPP
- (in Polish) Upiór w literaturze XIX i XX w. 03-F-32zl
- (in Polish) Informatyczny wymiar nauki i edytorstwa 03-F-22zu
- (in Polish) Formy w literaturze XIX w. 03-F-22zl
- (in Polish) Metodyka nauczania języka polskiego - spec. nauczycielska 03-MET-33zl
- (in Polish) Pisarz: dramat, scena 03-F-PDS
- (in Polish) Historia języka polskiego 03-WK-HJP-I
- (in Polish) Historia języka polskiego 03-WK-HJP-II
- (in Polish) „Nie śmiałam ruszyć nogą spostrzegłszy, iż kilka robaków przez nieostrożność zdeptałam.” Relacje ludzi ze zwierzętami w powieści u progu nowoczesności w perspektywie ekokrytyki 03-F-RLZP
- History of Aesthetic Concepts. Aristotelian Inspirations 03-F-HPE
- In Need to Speak 03-F-ZM
- "The precious myth of tragedy...". References and renovations 03-F-DMTN
- 19th and 20th Century History of Poland 03-WK-06
- 19th-century Science Fiction – Tradition, Inspirations, Concepts 03-F-DFN
- A Grammar of Contemporary Polish (a course for foregin students) 03-F-GOJP-I
- A Grammar of Contemporary Polish (a course for foregin students) 03-F-GOJP-II
- A Grammar of Contemporary Polish (a course for foregin students) 03-F-GOJP-E
- A Student with Special Educational Needs - Teaching Specialisation 03-USP-21PDM
- A Student with Special Educational needs during Polish language lessons - Teaching Specialisation 03-USPE-22PDL
- A Student with Special Needs -Teaching Specialisation 03-USP-22PDM
- A Student with Specific Needs -Teaching Specialisation 03-USP-22PDL
- Activism and Aesthetics in the Polish Poetry of the 19th and 21st Centuries 03-F-AEPP
- Aesthetics and Literary Rhetoric 03-ZW-ERL
- Aesthetics of a Book - literary editing specialisation 03-EK-11ZUE
- Aesthetics of Space 03-F-EP
- Aesthetics of the Book - Scientific Editing Specialisation 03-EK-22PDM
- American Dream - part two. Literature, Interpretation, Translation 03-F-AS-II
- An Antiquity forever Alive 03-F-AWZ
- An introduction to descriptive grammar of the Polish language 03-S1JPO01-P02227
- Analysis and Interpretation of a Poetic Text in the Light of Translation practice 03-F-AITP
- Analysis of an Opera Artwork - Interfaculty Opera Studies Specialisation 03-ADO-21PDM
- Analysis of an Opera Artwork - Interfaculty Opera Studies Specialisation 03-ADO-22PDM
- Analysis of Media Discourse - Journalism and Public Relations Specialisation 03-ADM-22PDM
- Analysis of Text and Editing - publishing specialisation 03-TED-33Z
- Ancient Philosophy 03-FA-11PFDL
- Ancient Philosophy 03-FA-11PFDL-E
- Ancient Philosophy 03-S1PFN01-P07434
- Animal Spirits. Symbolism in Culture 03-F-DZSK
- Animation of literature 03-S2FPkl02-P12560
- Animations of Literature - Curatorship of Literature Specialisation 03-AL-12PDM
- Antique Heritage of Europe 03-F-ADE
- Antiquity in Polish Culture 03-F-AKP
- Antropoetics 03-A-31PFDL
- Apprecenticeships 03-PKT-31JPODL
- Apprenticeship - Scientific Editing Specialisation 03-PKT-22PDM-W
- Armenian Literacy and its Acquisition in Polish Culture 03-F-POKP
- Art of Translation - Translation Specialisation 03-SPR-22PDM
- Art of translation I 03-S2FPp02-P12592
- Art of Translation I - Translation Specialisation 03-SPI-12PDM
- Articulatory phonetics with phonology 03-S1FPl02-P12495
- Articulatory Phonetics with Phonology - Speech Therapy (Logopaedics) Specialisation 03-FAF-12PDL-E
- Artistic Education - Creative Writing Specialisation 03-EA-22PDL
- Audiovisual Education - Teaching Specialisation 03-AUD-33zl
- Audiovisual Education - Teaching Specialisation 03-EA-32PDL
- Audiovisual Education - Teaching Specialisation 03-EAU-22PDL
- Augmentative and Alternative Communication - Speech Therapy (Logopaedics) Specialisation 03-KZU-21PDM
- Auxiliary Sciences 03-S1FP01-P07339
- Auxiliary Sciences of Editing - Scientific Editing Specialisation 03-NPE-12PDM
- Auxiliary Sciences of Polish Philology 03-NP-11ZII
- B.A. Seminar 03-SD-32PDL
- B.A. Seminar 03-SEM-33ZII
- B.A. Seminar 03-SL-31PFDL
- B.A. Seminar 03-SD-31JPODL
- B.A. Seminar 03-SL-32PFDL
- Basic Elements of Diction - speech therapy specialisation 03-ED-21PDL
- Basic of Pedagogy for Teachers I (lecture) 03-PDW-11PFDL-E
- Basic of Polish Language Didactics - teaching specialisation 03-PDP-11zl
- Basic of Psychology for Teachers part I (lecture) 03-PSW-11PFDL-E
- Basic of Teachers Diagnostics - Teaching Specialisation 03-PD-11PDM
- Basics of Adjustment - Publish and Translation Specialisation 03-PA-21JPODM
- Basics of Diagnostics for Teachers - Teaching Specialisation 03-PDN-21PDM
- Basics of Didactics 03-PD-12PFDL
- Basics of Educational Diagnostics - Teaching Specialisation 03-PDE-22PDL
- Basics of neuroanatomy 03-S2FPl01-P12569
- Basics of Neuroanatomy - Speech Therapy (Logopaedics) Specialisation 03-PN-11PDM
- Basics of Pedagogy for Teachers - Teaching Specialisation 03-PPD-11PDM
- Basics of Pedagogy for Teachers - Teaching Specialisation 03-PPD-12PDL-E
- Basics of Pedagogy for Teachers - teaching specialisation 03-PPED-22ZL
- Basics of Pedagogy for Teachers - Teaching Specialisation 03-PPD-21PDL
- Basics of Pedagogy for Teachers - Teaching Specialisation 03-PPED-11ZU
- Basics of Pedagogy for Teachers - teaching specialisation 03-PPED-11ZL