Courses at
Faculty of Chemistry
- Computional chemistry: application in photochemistry 02-CCAPA
- Condensation reactions in organic chemistry 02-RKOM
- Condensed matter physics 02-FFSL
- Condensed matter physics 02-S1CHma04-P01956
- Conflicts and their resolution in terms of construction of necessary but environmentally burdensome facilities. 02-KRBUM
- Construction of Challenging Molecules – The Deep Impact of Synthetic Chemistry from Route Design to Manufacturing on Industrial Scale 02-CCMG
- Contemporary forensic chemistry 02-WCSF
- Contemporary forensic chemistry 02-WCSfK
- Cosmeceuticals-cosmetics with protective and therapeutic effects 02-KKPLM
- Cosmetic preparation 02-PKOML
- Cosmetic preparations 02-S1CHk03-P01950
- Cosmetic Product Analysis 02-CPAA
- Coupled techniques in trace analysis: FIAS/ICP-MS, HPLC/ICP-MS and LA/ICP-MS 02-TSAU
- Coupled techniques in trace analysis: FIAS/ICP-MS, HPLC/ICP-MS and LA/ICP-MS 02-S4CHN01-P01807
- Coupled techniques in trace analysis: FIAS/ICP-MS, HPLC/ICPMS and LA/ICP-MS 02-S2CHac02-P00943
- Crystal chemistry 02-KRCL
- Crystal chemistry 02-KRCW
- Crystal chemistry 02-KRCaL
- Crystal chemistry 02-S1CHac03-F00130
- Crystal chemistry 02-S1CHk03-F00130
- Crystal chemistry 02-S1CHmc03-F00130
- Crystal chemistry 02-S1CHo03-P00130
- Crystal chemistry 02-S1CHsa03-F00130
- Crystal chemistry 02-S3CHA04-P00130
- Crystal structure solution and refinement using powder X-ray diffraction 02-CSSG
- Crystallochemistry 02-KRCxL
- Crystallochemistry 02-S1CHgc03-P01822
- Crystallochemistry materials 02-KRML
- Crystallography 02-KRYN
- Crystallography 02-N2CH01-P02005
- Crystallography I: Elements 02-CRIA
- Crystallography II: Diffraction methods 02-CRIIA
- Crystallography materials 02-KRMU
- Crystallography of materials 02-KRMK
- Crystallography of materials 02-S2CHM02-P00973
- Culture of Polish Language 02-KJW
- Culture of Polish Language II 02-KJBE
- Culture of Polish Language with voice care for teachers 02-KJE
- Dairy products technology 02-S6APS02-P00923
- Databases 02-BADF
- Databases essential for research work 02-S2CHcb01-P01343
- Databases for beginners 02-DBBA
- Design of innovations 02-S3CHA01-P00114
- Design of innovations in the pharmaceutical industry 02-S1CML02-F01992
- Design principles for nanoporous carbo-based materials in Energy Storage and Energy Conversion Applications 02-DPEG
- Detection and destruction of explosive residues in the environment 02-APMfK
- Detection and destruction of explosive residues in the environment 02-APMF
- Detection of anti-doping compounds 02-DADfX
- Didactic aids in teaching chemistry 02-SDCW
- Didactics chemistry Ib 02-DCHIE-22
- Didactics of chemistry Ia 02-DCHIE-12
- Didactics of chemistry Ia 02-DCHL
- Didactics of chemistry IIa 02-DCHBE-12
- Didactics of chemistry in the primary school part 1 02-S1CH-MN02-P12661
- Didactics of chemistry in the primary school part 2 02-S1CH-MN03-P12662
- Didactics of chemistry in the secondary school 02-S2CH-MN02-P12670
- Didactics of chemistry SP 7 02-DCHS7L
- Didactics of chemistry SP 8 02-DCHS8L
- Didactics of physics 02-DYFL-12
- Didactics of physics 02-DYFL-22
- Diffractometry of materials 02-DAMW
- Diploma laboratory 02-LABDJ
- Drinking water - facts, myths and controversies 02-WOPM
- Dynamics of photochemical reactions in chemistry, biology and medicine 02-DPRA
- Ecology 02-S1CHmc04-F00451
- Economy chemical reagents 02-GOCW
- Education and information source 02-EIZL
- Education management 02-ZOW
- Elements of medical analytics 02-EAMU
- Employee of the future 02-PRPH
- Employee of the future 02-S3CHA02-F03214
- Employee of the future 02-S1CH02-F03214
- Encounters with fantasy 02-S3CHA02-F03210
- Encounters with fantasy 02-S1CH02-F03210
- Engineering calculations 02-OIaL
- Engineering computing 02-S3CHA04-P00128
- Engineering graphics 02-GRIaL
- Engineering graphics 02-S3CHA03-P00125
- English for Special Purposes 02-N2CH02-ANG-30
- English for Special Purposes 02-N2CH03-ANG-30
- English in chemistry 02-ENCHX-12
- English in chemistry 02-ENCHX-22
- English in chemistry 02-S2CHE01-P00979
- English in chemistry 02-S2CHE02-P00979
- English/Polish in chemistry 02-ENPX-12
- English/Polish in chemistry 02-ENPX-22
- Enhancing creativity, collaboration and communication skills by problem-solving 02-RKUWH
- Enhancing learning by design - backward design method for effective teaching planning 02-ELDA
- Environmental (green) photochemistry 02-EGPA
- Environmental Analytical Chemistry 02-EACA
- Environmental monitoring 02-S1CHac04-P00473
- Environmental monitoring 02-S1CHs04-F00473
- Environmental pollution by petroleum products: legal bases, analytics and remediation methods 02-ZSPNaW
- Environmental pollution of oil products: legal basis, analytical and remediation methods 02-ZSPNW
- Environmental protection law and the functioning of the analytical laboratory 02-POSM
- Etiquette in official situations 02-ESO2G
- Exercises in excavation 02-S2ARC02-P01495
- Field classes - chemistry 02-ZTCW
- Flame versus plasma: atomic spectrometry in the determination of trace elements. 02-PKPM
- Flavour and Fragrance Chemistry 02-FFCA