Courses at
Faculty of Biology
- 3D scanning 01-N1BL05-F00584
- 3D technologies and their application in human biology 01-S1BZ03-F01368
- 3D technology and its application in human biology 01-3DBIOCZLO-MON
- Abiotic aspects of the environment 01-SRODABIO
- Abiotic aspects of the environment 01-S1OS05-P00485
- Academic tutoring 01-MENTOR-2
- ACADEMIC TUTORING, Kierowanie rozwojem aktywności badaczej (KRAB) 01-TUTORIN-K
- ACADEMIC TUTORING, Wsparie i lokownie kompetencji (WILK) 01-TUTOR-WIL
- Active animal protection 01-S2OS02-F05568
- Active compounds in therapy of neurological diseases 01-W-NERWCHOR
- Active plant protection 01-S2OS02-F16146
- Active protection of animals 01-WN-CZYNOCHZWIE
- Advanced microscopy techniques 01-WN-TECHMIK
- Advanced microscopy techniques 01-S2NBP01-F05549
- Advanced optimalization methods 01-MK-BI-ZAMETOPT
- Advanced programming 01-MK-BI-ZPROGRA
- Advanced research technologies 01-S2BZ01-F01156
- Advanced Scientific English 01-S2BTE01-P00025
- Aerobiology and allergology 01-BiZC-AREOALER
- Aerobiology and allergology 01-W-AREOALER
- Agri-environmental programs 01-W-ROLPROG
- Air quality monitoring 01-S2EPR01-F12945
- Air quality monitoring 01-S2OS02-F16148
- Algological workshop - taxonomy of algae and cyanobacteria 01-ALGOLOG-PIE
- Algorithms and data structures 01-BI-ALGODAN
- Algorithms and data structures 01-N-MK-BI-ALGODAN
- Algorithms and data structures 01-S1BI02-P00327
- Algorithms in bioinformatics of sequences 01-22-ALBIOSEK-BI
- Algorithms in sequence bioinformatics 01-S1BI03-P00366
- Allergens in the human environment 01-N1BL06-F00606
- Allergens in the human environment 01-S1BL06-F00606
- Analysis of biological sequences 01-W-BIOLSEKANA
- Anatomy of plants 01-22-ANATROS-BT
- Anatomy of plants 01-S1BT02-P00743
- Anatomy of plants and animals 01-N-ANATOROZWIE
- Anatomy of plants and animals 01-N-ROZWIEBUD
- Anatomy of plants and animals 01-N-ANATOROZWIE-Z
- Anatomy of plants and animals 01-22-ANATOROZWIE-BL
- Anatomy of plants and animals 01-N1BL01-P00020
- Anatomy of plants and animals 01-S1BL01-P00020
- Ancient DNA analysis 01-W-BI-DNAKOPANA
- Animal anatomy and physiology 01-N-BUDFIZZWIE
- Animal anatomy and physiology 01-N-BUDFIZZWIE-Z
- Animal and human physiology 01-ANHUMPHYS-PIE
- Animal and human structure and physiology 01-N1BL03-P00564
- Animal and human structure and physiology 01-S1BL03-P00564
- Animal behaviour: selected issues 01-ZIERZPSYCH-MON
- Animal diversity 01-S1NBP02-P00457
- Animal Histology 01-22-HISZWIE-BT
- Animal histology 01-S1BT01-P00742
- Animal migrations 01-W-ZWIEMIG
- Animal migrations 01-W-ZWIEMIG-Z
- Animal migrations 01-S2NBP04-F05539
- Animal models of human diseases 01-S2BTE02-P15699
- Animal personalities and cognitive abilities 01-N1BL06-F00733
- Animal personalities and cognitive abilities 01-S1BL06-F00733
- Animal personality and cognition 01-ZWIERZOSOB-MON
- Animal physiology 01-FIZZWIE
- Animal physiology 01-ZPB-FIZJZWIERZ
- Animal physiology 01-FIZZWIE-5
- Animal physiology 01-S1BT03-P00744
- Animal signals and communication 01-N2BL02-F15515
- Animal signals and communication 01-S2BL02-F15515
- Animal transgenesis 01-S2BT02-F15685
- Animal-assisted therapy 01-W-ZOOTERAP
- Anthropology in applied sciences 01-W-ANTROSTOS
- Application of cloud computing in bioinformatics 01-W-BINCHMURA
- Application of genomics in medical research 01-W-GENOMMED
- Application of graphs in bioinformatics 01-22-ZASTGRAF-BI
- Application of in vitro plant cultures in gene conservation and phytoremediation 01-S1OS06-F00506
- Application of plant in vitro cultures in protection of genetic resources and phytoremediation 01-W-INVITGEN
- Application of technology in care for the elderly 01-S2BZ02-P13396
- Applications of graphs in bioinformatics 01-S1BI03-P00367
- Applied Aquatic Ecology 01-S2EPR01-F12947
- Applied genetics 01-N-GENSTOS
- Applied genetics 01-S2BT01-P15663
- Applied protein structure bioinformatics 01-S2BT02-F15679
- Applied protein structure bioinformatics 01-S2BTE02-P15679
- Applying Plankton For Water Quality Assessment 01-PLANKQUAL-PIE
- Apprenticeship in secondary school 01-S2NBP04-P04935
- Apprenticeship in the primary school part 1 01-S1NBP04-P13040
- Apprenticeships 01-S1OS06-P00397
- Aquatherapy 01-BiZC-AQUATER-1/2
- Aquatherapy 01-BiZC-AQUATER-2/2
- Aquatherapy 01-S1BZ01-F01351
- Aquatherapy 01-S1BZ02-F01351
- Aquatic management 01-S2EPR02-P12950
- Are there human races? 01-W-RASLUDZ
- Art therapy 01-BiZC-ARTETERAP
- Art therapy 01-S1BZ02-F01360
- Astrobiology - in search of a solution to the Fermi Paradox 01-ASTROBIOFERM-MON
- Astrobiology in theory and practice 01-S2NBP03-F05533
- Astrobiology: theory and practice 01-W-ASTROBIOTP
- Astrobiology: theory and practice 01-W-ASTROBIOTP-Z
- Auxological assessment using modern diagnostic methods 01-BiZC-AUKSDIAG
- Auxological assessment using modern diagnostic methods 01-S2BZ01-F01148
- Auxology and child health assessment methods 01-S1BZ03-P01364
- Auxology and methods of child health assessment 01-BiZC-AUKSDZIEC
- B.Sc. laboratory 01-X-PRACLIC-Z
- B.Sc. laboratory 01-BiZC-PRACLIC