Courses at
Faculty of Biology
- Master's workshop: Molecular, cellular and organismal biology 01-N2BL02-F15516
- Master's workshop: Molecular, cellular and organismal biology 01-S2BL02-F15516
- Master's workshop: plant biotechnology 01-S2BT02-F15675
- Mathematical analysis 01-BI-ANAMAT
- Mathematical Analysis 01-23-ANAMAT-BI
- Mathematical Analysis and Linear Algebra 01-N-MK-BI-ANMATALI
- Mathematics with statistics 01-N-MATSTAT
- Mathematics with statistics 01-N-MATSTAT-Z
- Mechanisms and effects of drugs and their interactions in humans 01-LEKKOM-MON
- Mechanisms and effects of drugs and their interactions in humans 01-S2NBP04-F05570
- Mechanisms of drug action 01-BIZC-MECHLEK
- Mechanisms of drug action 01-S2BZ04-P01179
- Mechanisms of evolution 01-S1BT05-P00535
- Mechanisms of evolution and human variability 01-BIZC-MECHEWOZMIEN
- Mechanisms, effects of drugs action and drug interactions in humans 01-S2BTE02-F15704
- Mechanisms, effects of drugs action and drugs interactions in human 01-HUMDRUGS-PIE
- Media communication 01-N1BL05-F00593
- Media communication 01-S1BL05-F00593
- Mediation and social conflicts in environmental protection 01-S2EPR01-P12942
- Medical genomics 01-W-GENOMIKMED
- Medical genomics 01-S2BI02-F00425
- Medical informatics 01-MK-BI-INFMED
- Medical microbiology 01-BiZC-MIKMED
- Medical microbiology 01-S1BZ03-P01362
- Medicinal and poisonous plants 01-LECZROS-MON
- Medicinal and poisonous plants 01-LECZROS-MON-Z
- Medicinal and poisonous plants and mushrooms 01-W-LECZROSGRZYB
- Medicinal and poisonous plants and mushrooms 01-S1BZ03-F01366
- Metagenomics 01-W-METAGEN
- Metagenomics 01-S2BI04-F00441
- Meteorology and climatology 01-N-METEKLI
- Meteorology and climatology 01-22-METKLI-OS
- Meteorology and climatology 01-S1OS02-P00453
- Methodology of natural science research 01-S2BL01-P15504
- Methodology of natural science research 01-S2BT01-P15504
- Methodology of natural science research 01-S2OS01-P15504
- Methods for studying ecological and microevolutionary phenomena in human populations 01-N1BL04-F00574
- Methods for studying ecological and microevolutionary phenomena in human populations 01-S1BL04-F00574
- Methods for the detection of local and systemic signals in plants 01-S1BT04-F00748
- Methods in molecular diagnostics 01-S2BTE02-F15701
- Methods of the experimental work 01-S2BTE01-P15695
- Methods used in forensic biology 01-W-METSADBIOL
- Methods used in forensic biology 01-S2BZ02-F01168
- Metodyka badań w biologii człowieka 01-S2BZ01-F01153
- Microbiological diagnosis 01-S2BL02-F15513
- Microbiological diagnostic 01-WN-DIAGMIK
- Microbiological diagnostic 01-DIAGMIKR-BT
- Microbiology 01-N-MIKROB-60
- Microbiology 01-N-MIKROB-50
- Microbiology 01-MIKROB2-Z
- Microbiology 01-MIKROB-45
- Microbiology 01-W-MIKROB
- Microbiology 01-23-MIKROB-BL
- Microbiology 01-23-MIKROB2-BL-Z
- Microbiology 01-S2BI01-F00416
- Microbiology 01-N1BL03-P00416
- Microbiology 01-S1BL03-P00416
- Microbiology 01-S1BT03-P00416
- Microbiology and virology 01-ZPB-MIKRIWIR
- Microbiology and virology 01-MIKROWIR
- Microorganisms in plant protection 01-WN-MIKROCH
- Microorganisms in plant protection 01-S2BL02-F05561
- Microscopic techniques and their application in human biology 01-TECHMIKCZLO-MON
- Microscopic techniques and their application in human biology 01-S1BZ03-F01367
- Microscopy techniques in biological sciences 01-W-TECHMIKBIOL
- Modeling of ecological processes 01-N-MODPROCEK
- Modeling of ecological processes 01-W-MODZJAWEK
- Modelling of biological processes 01-MK-BI-MODPROBIO
- Modelling of ecological phenomena 01-S2BI01-F00414
- Modelling of ecological processes 01-S2OS02-P16144
- Models for medical research 01-W-MODBADMED
- Models for medical research 01-MODBADMED
- Models for medical research 01-S2BZ01-F01154
- Molecular and environmental determinants of plant growth and development 01-N1BL05-F00578
- Molecular and environmental determinants of plant growth and development 01-S1BL05-F00578
- Molecular basis of cytoprotection 01-S2BT02-F15680
- Molecular biology 01-MK-BI-BIOLMOL-1
- Molecular biology 01-N-BIOMOL
- Molecular biology 01-N-BIOMOL-Z
- Molecular biology 01-BI-BIOLMOL-1
- Molecular biology 01-23-BIOMOL-BL-Z
- Molecular biology 01-S1BI02-P00363
- Molecular biology 01-N1BL03-P00363
- Molecular biology 01-S1BL03-P00363
- Molecular biology of cell 01-N-MOLBIOKOM
- Molecular biology of cell 01-22-MOLBIOKOM-BT
- Molecular biology of cell 01-S1BT02-P00515
- Molecular biology of growth and development of flowering plants 01-MOLGRO-PIE
- Molecular biology techniques 01-TECHBIOLMOL
- Molecular biology techniques 01-S2NBP02-P13070
- Molecular diagnostics of environment 01-DIAGMOL-MON
- Molecular ecology 01-MOLECOL-PIE
- Molecular ecology 01-S2EPR02-F12958
- Molecular enzymology 01-W-MOLENZ
- Molecular enzymology 01-S1BI03-F00375
- Molecular genetics 01-MK-BI-GENMOL
- Molecular genetics 01-S1BT03-P00518
- Molecular machines 01-W-MASZMOL
- Molecular machines 01-S1BI04-F00383
- Molecular machines 01-S1BT06-F00383