Courses at
Faculty of Biology
- Industrial microbiology 01-S1BT04-F00021
- Industry and the environment 01-S2OS01-F16140
- Industry and the environment - product life cycle 01-W-PRZEMSROD
- Information and source education 01-N1BL01-P00560
- Information and source education 01-S1BL01-P00560
- Information technologies in health education 01-BiZC-TECHEDUZDRO
- Information technologies in health education 01-W-TECHEDUZDRO
- Information technology at school 01-INFSZKOL
- Information technology in school 01-S1NBP03-P13035
- Inhalant fungal and plant allergens 01-INHALLERG-PIE
- Inhalant fungal and plant allergens 01-W-ALERGEN-Z
- Inhalant fungal and plant allergens 01-W-ALERGEN
- Inheritance mechanisms 01-INHERIT-PIE
- Inheritance mechanisms - principles of genetics 01-INHERPRI-PIE
- Innovation creation and entrepreneurship 01-W-PRZEDINNO-BiZC
- Innovative mycology 01-S1OS03-F00718
- Inorganic and organic chemistry 01-S1BT01-P00509
- Insect-plant interactions: from molecules to communities 01-INSPLANT-PIE
- Insects and their role in ecosystems 01-W-OWAEKO
- Insects and their role in ecosystems 01-W-OWADEKO-Z
- Insects and their role in ecosystems 01-S1NBP04-F00587
- Insects and their role in ecosystems 01-N1BL05-F00587
- Insects and their role in ecosystems 01-S1BL05-F00587
- Insects in the vicinity of human - entomological workshops 01-W-OWADCZLO-Z
- Insects in the vicinity of human - entomological workshops 01-W-OWADCZLO
- Insects in the vicinity of human - entomological workshops 01-N2BL02-F13044
- Insects in the vicinity of human - entomological workshops 01-S2BL02-F13044
- Inter-and intracellular signalling 01-SYGKOMWM
- Interaction biology 01-S2NBP03-P05530
- Interdisciplinary science projects at school: creation and implementation (workshop) 01-W-INTERBADSZKOL
- Internet and Mobile Applications 01-MK-INTERAPLI
- Internet technologies 01-BIN-W-TECHINTER-I
- Internet technology 01-S1BI03-F00371
- Internships - research 01-S2BT02-F14307
- Internships: Applied biotechnology 01-S1BT06-F00749
- Internships: Molecular biotechnology 01-S1BT06-F00750
- Intra-and intercellular integration 01-N-KOMINT-Z
- Intra-and intercellular integration 01-N-KOMINT
- Intra-and intercellular integration 01-S2NBP02-P05523
- Intra-and intercellular integration 01-N2BL02-P05523
- Intra-and intercellular integration 01-S2BL02-P05523
- Intracellular and intercellular signalling 01-S2NEW02-F11077
- Introduction to Bio-Economy 01-N-WPROBIOGO
- Introduction to Bio-Economy 01-N-WPROBIO-Z
- Introduction to Bio-Economy 01-22-WPROBIO-BT
- Introduction to Bioeconomy 01-W-BI-WPROBIOGO
- Introduction to Bioeconomy 01-S1BT02-P00409
- Introduction to Bioeconomy 01-N1BL06-F00409
- Introduction to Bioeconomy 01-S1BL06-F00409
- Introduction to Bioeconomy 01-S1OS06-F00409
- Introduction to bioinformatics 01-MK-BI-WSTEPBIOINF
- Introduction to biology of the polar regions 01-W-POLARBIOL
- Introduction to biology of the polar regions 01-W-POLARBIOL-Z
- Introduction to biology of the polar regions 01-N1BL06-F00732
- Introduction to biology of the polar regions 01-S1BL06-F00732
- Introduction to C++ 01-22-CWPROW-BIN
- Introduction to C++ 01-23-CWPROW-BIN
- Introduction to C++ 01-S1BI04-P00376
- Introduction to deep neural network architectures 01-W-NEUROGLEB
- Introduction to deep neural network architectures 01-S2BI04-F00443
- Introduction to didactics 01-S1NBP02-P00771
- Introduction to genetics 01-22-WPROGEN-BT
- Introduction to genetics 01-S1BT01-P00510
- Introduction to Information Technology 01-MK-BI-PINFOR
- Introduction to laboratory work 01-22-PRACLAB-BT
- Introduction to Linux 01-BIN-LINUX
- Introduction to Linux 01-S1BI01-P00356
- Introduction to pedagogy for teachers part 1 01-MN-P01339
- Introduction to pedagogy for teachers part 1 01-MN-P01340
- Introduction to pedagogy for teachers part 2 01-MN-P01342
- Introduction to psychology for teachers part 2 01-MN-P01341
- Introduction to research work 01-N2BL01-P15502
- Introduction to research work 01-S2BL01-P15502
- Introduction to the bio-economy 01-W-WPROBIO
- Introduction to the R environment 01-N1BL05-F00529
- Introduction to the R environment 01-S1BL05-F00529
- Introduction to the R environment 01-S1BT03-F00529
- Introduction to tropical biology 01-W-TROPWSTEP
- Introduction to tropical biology 01-S2BL02-F05563
- Invasive species 01-S1OS05-F00721
- Invasive species in aquatic and wetland ecosystems 01-INWAZWOD-MON-Z
- Invasive species in aquatic and wetland ecosystems 01-INWAZWOD-MON
- Inventory and valorisation of the natural environment 01-W-WALOPRZYR
- Inventory and valorisation of the natural environment 01-WALOPRZYR
- Inventory and valorisation of the natural environment 01-WALOSROD-Z
- Inventory and valorisation of the natural environment 01-W-INWALPRZYR-Z
- Inventory and valorization of the natural environment 01-S1OS04-P00471
- Invertebrate Nervous System 01-BEZKNEUR
- Investment planning in naturally valuable areas 01-S1OS04-F00720
- Journal Club 01-N-JCLUB-Z
- Journal Club 01-N-JCLUB
- Journal Club 01-JCLUB-22
- Journal Club 01-S2BZ02-P01165
- Journal Club AWF 01-S2NEW02-P13246
- Journal Club UPP 01-S2NEW03-P13245
- Journal Club: Ecology and evolutionary biology 01-S2BL02-F15519
- Journal Club: Molecular, cellular and organismal biology 01-S2BL02-F15518
- Lab of biomonitoring 01-S2EPR02-P12952
- Laboratory animals 01-LABZWIERZ
- Laboratory animals 01-S2NEW01-P11068