Courses at
Faculty of Biology
- Emission of voice 01-EMIGLO
- Endocrinology 01-W-ENDOKR
- Endocrinology 01-N2BL02-F05558
- Endocrinology 01-S2BL02-F05558
- Energetics of life processes 01-W-ENERGZYC
- Energetics of life processes 01-N1BL06-F00528
- Energetics of life processes 01-S1BL06-F00528
- Energetics of life processes 01-S1BT04-F00528
- English 01-N1BL02-ANG-15
- English 01-N1BL03-ANG-15
- English 01-N1BL04-ANG-15
- English 01-N1BL05-ANG-15
- English for Special Purposes 01-N2BL01-ANG-15
- Environmental education in society 01-S2NBP03-F00488
- Environmental education in society 01-N2BL02-F00488
- Environmental epidemiology 01-W-EPISROD
- Environmental epidemiology 01-W-EPISROD-Z
- Environmental epidemiology 01-BiZC-EPISROD
- Environmental epidemiology 01-N1BL06-F00503
- Environmental epidemiology 01-S1BL06-F00503
- Environmental epidemiology 01-S1OS06-F00503
- Environmental global change 01-S2EPR01-P14968
- Environmental global change 01-S2OS01-P14968
- Environmental impact assessments 01-OCEODDZ
- Environmental impact assessments 01-S1OS06-P00495
- Environmental microbiology and metagenomics 01-W-MATEGEN
- Environmental microbiology and metagenomics 01-S2BZ02-F01169
- Environmental microbiology and virology 01-S1OS04-P00472
- Environmental molecular diagnostics 01-S2BI01-F00417
- Environmental monitoring 01-MONSRO-30
- Environmental monitoring 01-MONPRZYR
- Environmental monitoring 01-S1OS04-P00473
- Environmental monitoring 01-S1OS06-P00494
- Environmental monitoring in practice (Study Tour Jeziory) 01-S2EPR02-P12953
- Environmental remediation and waste management 01-S1OS05-P00483
- Enzymology 01-W-ENZMOL
- Enzymology 01-S1BT03-P00013
- Epidemiology of human diseases 01-EPICHOR-Z
- Epidemiology of human diseases 01-EPICHOR
- Epidemiology of human diseases 01-N2BL02-P05516
- Epidemiology of human diseases 01-S2BL02-P05516
- Epigenetic mechanisms in the etiology of human diseases 01-W-MECHEPIG
- Epigenetic mechanisms in the etiology of human diseases 01-W-MECHEPIG-Z
- Epigenetic mechanisms in the etiology of human diseases 01-W-MECHEPIGWYB
- Epigenetic mechanisms in the etiology of human diseases 01-W-MECHEPIG-BiZC
- Epigenetic mechanisms in the etiology of human diseases 01-W-BI-MECHEPIG
- Epigenetic mechanisms in the etiology of human diseases 01-S2BZ03-F00408
- Epigenetic mechanisms in the etiology of human diseases 01-N1BL05-F00408
- Epigenetic mechanisms in the etiology of human diseases 01-S1BL05-F00408
- Epigenetic mechanisms in the etiology of human diseases 01-S1BT05-F00408
- Epigenetics - how we can control our own genotypes 01-EPIGEN-PIE
- Ergonomics 01-BIZC-ERGONOM
- Ethics in nature conservation 01-S1OS05-P00023
- Etiology and diagnosis of human civilization diseases 01-S2BZ01-P01146
- Etiology and diagnosis of human infectious diseases 01-S2BZ03-P01171
- Etiology and diagnosis of rare human diseases 01-S2BZ02-P01161
- Etiology and diagnostics of human civilization diseases 01-BIZ-ZAKCHOR
- Etiology and diagnostics of human civilization diseases 01-BiZC-CHORCYWCZLO
- Etiology and diagnostics of rare human diseases 01-BiZC-RZADCHOR
- Eukaryotic systems for protein engineering 01-S1BT05-F00539
- European environmental law 01-N-EUPRAOCH
- Evaluation of professional internships in secondary schools 01-S2NBP04-P13080
- Evaluation of teaching practice in a primary school 01-EWALPRAKTPOD
- Evaluation of teaching practice in a secondary school 01-EWALPROKTPONA
- Evidence-based practices in science education 01-EDUSCIENCE
- Evolution of biodiversity 01-BI-BIOREWO
- Evolution of biodiversity 01-S1BI02-P00365
- Evolution of human populations 01-S2BZ04-F01184
- Evolution of primate behavior 01-N1BL06-F00612
- Evolution of primate behavior 01-S1BL06-F00612
- Evolutionary and population genetics 01-BI-POPGENEWO
- Evolutionary and population genetics 01-23-POPGENEWO-BI
- Evolutionary biology 01-BIOLEWOL
- Evolutionary biology 01-BIOLEWOL-Z
- Evolutionary biology 01-BIOLEWOL-NP
- Evolutionary biology 01-N1BL05-P00576
- Evolutionary biology 01-S1BL05-P00576
- Evolutionary developmental biology (evo-devo) 01-ECODEVO-PIE
- Evolutionary genetics 01-WN-EWOLGEN
- Evolutionary medicine 01-W-EWOMED
- Evolutionary medicine 01-S2BI04-F00444
- Evolutionary medicine 01-S2BZ04-F00444
- Evolutionary medicine 01-S1BT06-F00444
- Experimental and molecular research in human biology 01-N1BL04-F00570
- Experimental and molecular research in human biology 01-S1BL04-F00570
- Experimental Aquatic Ecology 01-AQUAECOLEXP-PIE
- Experimental methods in animal and human physiology 01-EXPPHYSIO-PIE
- Expert Lectures 01-W-BI-WYKEKSP-5LIC
- Expert Lectures 01-W-BI-WYKEKSP-6LIC
- Expert Lectures 01-W-EKSPWYK-3-LIC
- Expert Lectures 01-W-EKSPWYK-3-MGR
- Expert Lectures 01-W-EKSPWYK-4-LIC
- Expert Lectures 01-W-EKSPWYK-4-MGR
- Expert lectures 01-S2BI01-F00373
- Expert lectures 01-S2BI02-F00373
- Expert lectures 01-S1BI03-F00373
- Expert lectures 01-S1BI04-F00373
- Expert lectures 01-S2BI03-F00373
- Expert lectures 01-S2BI04-F00373
- Expert Lectures I 01-W-EKSPWYK-1-MGR