Courses at
Doctoral School of Humanities
- (in Polish) Badania humanistyczne i społeczne (III). Wobec wyzwań współczesnej nauki 5605-BHSWW
- (in Polish) Dydaktyka przedmiotów humanistycznych 5605-DPH
- (in Polish) Humanistyczne drogi archeologii 5605-HDA
- (in Polish) Seminarium źródłoznawcze im. Brygidy Kurbis 5605-SZBK
- (in Polish) Peryferyjna białość. Polskie tożsamości i rasa 5605-PBP
- (in Polish) Opieka nad realizacją indywidualnego planu badawczego doktoranta II rok 5605-DS-OPNAUK2
- (in Polish) Interdyscyplonarne seminarium naukowe - II rok 5605-SN-2
- (in Polish) S.N. Wokół aktualnych zagadnień współczesnej teologii 5605-WAZ-WT
- (in Polish) Z.S. Wolność w kulturze zachodniej 5605-WKZ-WAIK
- (in Polish) S.N. Filozofia człowieka 5605-FCZ-F
- (in Polish) Kastraci i afekty: estetyka opery barokowej 5605-WS-KASTR
- (in Polish) Planowanie kariery zawodowej 5605-WUM-PLAN
- (in Polish) Muzyka angielskiego dworu – od Tudorów do Windsorów 5605-ZF-MUZ
- Not only the Polish United Workers Party. Structures of power in the People`s Republic of Poland 5605-WSP-WH-2
- 25 years of reconciliation in Rwanda. Forgiveness and reconciliation in the context of Rwanda's religious and political culture. 5605-PWR
- Academic Teaching 5605-DYA
- Academic writing 5605-AWR
- Aesthetic problems in music 5605-PEM-F
- Ancient Roman women as daughters, mothers and grandmothers. Selected aspects of women's history 5605-SRZ-S
- Apocalypse as a revelation of the meaning of history 5605-AOD
- Contemporary art and the challenges of science 5605-SWW-S
- Contemporary Marian Spirituality 5605-WDM-F
- Contemporary reception of prehistoric art: aesthetics, identity and politics 5605-WRS-S
- Creative collaborative in the history of music 5605-WHM-S
- Curiositas et Admiratio. Notes on curiosity, wonder, and passion for the uncommon (12th-18th century) 5605-WSP-WNOSZ
- Custom tradition in contemporary cultural reality in Poland 5605-TOP-S
- Deaf culture - artistic and emancipatory aspects 5605-KGA-F
- From philosophy of religion to philosophy of religious experience. On new tendencies in contemporary religious thought 5605-FLR-SN
- Heritage and Public History in Inner Asia 5605-DHA
- Human Philosophy 5605-FIC
- Methodology 5605-MET-WF
- Methodology 5605-MET-WA
- Methodology 5605-MET-WAIK
- Methodology 5605-MET-WH
- Methodology 5605-MET-WNOSZ
- Methodology 5605-MET-WT
- Methodology of scientific research 5605-MSR
- Multilayered sites in the Bronze Age archaeology of the Carpathian Basin 5605-WSP-WA
- On music on the periphery of attention 5605-MPU
- Painting and time 5605-MIC-S
- Philosophy of ecumenism and Intercultural Dialogue 5605-PID-F
- Photography as a source of action 5605-SFO
- Power and society in authoritarian systems on the example of the Second Republic 5605-WAS-S
- Poznań. The city in process of modernization (19th-20th Century) 5605-ZFA-WH
- Practical Knowledge of Science 5605-PES
- Religion and Politics in the 19th century 5605-RPO-F
- Researcher's workshop 5605-WBA-WA
- Researcher's Workshop 5605-WBA-WF
- Researcher's Workshop 5605-WBA-WH
- Researcher's Workshop 5605-WBA-WT
- Researcher's Workshop 5605-WBA-NKR
- Researcher's Workshop 5605-WBA-NSZ
- Researcher's Workshop 5605-WBA
- Researcher's workshop of an archaeologist-humanist 5605-WBAH
- Researching history: from the Middle Ages to the Modern era 5605-HIS
- Roman Empire during the reign of Septimius Severus (AD 193-211) 5605-WSP-WH
- Science in Society. An introduction to the study of science and technology 5605-NWS-S
- Selected issues of contemporary culture from a philosophical perspective 5605-WZK
- Selected problems in testimony research 5605-PBS-SN
- Social Teaching of the Fathers of the Church 5605-NOK-F
- Soft skills workshops 5605-WUM-WAIK
- Specificity of research work in the discipline 5605-SPD-WAIK
- Specificity of research work in the discipline 5605-SPD-WF
- Specificity of research work in the discipline 5605-SPD-WH
- Specificity of research work in the discipline 5605-SPD-WNOSZ
- Specificity of research work in the discipline 5605-SPD-WT
- Specificity of research work in the discipline 5605-SPD-WA
- Synodality in the life of the Church 5605-SZK-F
- The Contemporary Reception of Prehistoric Art: Esthetics, Identity and Politics 5605-WRS-WA
- The Eucharist is the sacrament of unity 5605-ESJ-S
- The forms of ancient states 5605-FPS
- The need for a new apologetics in the context of the achievements of the humanities and social sciences 5605-PNA-S
- Values as methods of research in the humanities 5605-WJM-F