Courses at
Doctoral School of Natural Sciences
- (in Polish) Interdyscyplinarne seminarium naukowe 5602-DS-SEMINA-1-15
- (in Polish) Building biological databases (specialist) 5602-DS-BUBIODA
- (in Polish) Basic and Clinical Immunology_specialist 5602-DS-ENG-Basic
- (in Polish) Dydaktyka akademicka/Academic teaching 5602-DS-ENG-AC
- (in Polish) Opieka nad realizacją IPB 5602-DS-IPB-2
- (in Polish) Opieka nad realizacją IPB 5602-DS-IPB-3
- (in Polish) Protein Bioinformatics (specialist) 5602-BIOINPRO
- (in Polish) ABC pracy z trudnymi zachowaniami studentów 5602-DS-ABC
- (in Polish) Bioakustyka - odkrycia, metody i związki z innymi dyscyplinami nauki (zajęcia specjalistyczne) 5602-DS-BIOAKUST
- (in Polish) Analiza bioróżnorodności barkodami DNA (specyfika pracy naukowej) 5602-DS-BIOBARDNA
- (in Polish) Diagnostyka kondycji roślin w warunkach stresu (zajęcia specjalistyczne) 5602-DS-DIAKON
- (in Polish) Badania eksperymentalne w ekologii (zajęcia specjalnistyczne) 5602-DS-EKOEKSP
- (in Polish) Current trends in ecology and evolution_specialist 5602-DS-ENG-ECOTREND
- (in Polish) Application of pluripotent stem cells in regenerative medicine (specialist) 5602-DS-ENG-PLURICEL
- (in Polish) New technology in higher education 5602-DS-ENG-TECHNEDU
- (in Polish) Dangerous world - the impact of toxic substances on organisms (specialist) 5602-DS-ENG-TOXORG
- (in Polish) GIS w badaniach różnorodności biologicznej (zajęcia specjalistyczne) 5602-DS-GIS
- (in Polish) Geozagrożenia w perspektywie gospodarczej 5602-DS-GPG-G2
- (in Polish) Metodologia badań naukowych 5602-DS-MBN
- (in Polish) Modelowanie zjawisk ekologicznych (zajęcia specjalistyczne) 5602-DS-MODEKOL
- (in Polish) Uogólnione modele liniowe i mieszane w środowisku R (zajęcia specjalistyczne) 5602-DS-MODLINSRODR
- (in Polish) Wprowadzenie do środowiska R_zajęcia specjalistyczne 5602-DS-RSROD
- (in Polish) Nowoczesne techniki mikroskopowe (zajęcia specjalistyczne) 5602-DS-TECHMIK
- (in Polish) Przedsiębiorczość naukowa 5602-SD-PNAUK
- (in Polish) Komunikacja międzykulturowa (umiejętności miękkie) 5602-DS-KULTKOM
- (in Polish) Nowe kierunki i metody badawcze w ekologii wód (specyfika pracy naukowej) 5602-DS-NOWEKOWOD
- (in Polish) Statystyka dla biologów (zajęcia specjalistyczne) 5602-DS-STATBIOL
- (in Polish) Sieci biologiczne: od komórki do biosfery (zajęcia specjalistyczne) 5602-DS-SIECBIOL
- (in Polish) Bioacoustics: acoustic animal communication (specialist) 5602-DS-ENG-ANIMAL
- (in Polish) Clinical virology (specialist) 5602-DS-ENG-CLINVIR
- (in Polish) Functioning of lake ecosystems: microbial food webs and microbial loop (specificity) 5602-DS-ENG-FUNCTIOL
- (in Polish) Population and ecological genetics_specialist 5602-DS-ENG-POPGEN
- (in Polish) Dydaktyka akademicka 5602-DS-DYDAK-T
- (in Polish) Podstawy przedsiębiorczości i finansowania nauki_specyfika 5602-DS-PRZE
- (in Polish) Zmienność genomu w kontekście chorób człowieka_specjalistyczne 5602-DS-GENO
- (in Polish) Glaciers and ice sheets under climate warming (specialist) 5602-DS-GLACIERS
- (in Polish) Introduction to spatial multi-criteria analysis (specialist) 5602-DS-INTROSPA
- (in Polish) Palaecology - a tool to understand our future (specialist) 5602-DS-PALAECO
- (in Polish) Spatial statistics - analysis and modeling of spatial data (specialist) 5602-DS-SPASTA
- (in Polish) Water and Climate - Sustainable Resources Managament in the Changing Environment (specialist) 5602-DS-WATER
- (in Polish) Human ecology_specialist 5602-DS-ECOHUMAN
- (in Polish) Biopesticides of botanical origin. From the idea to implementation_specialist 5602-DS-BIOPEST
- (in Polish) Molecular Basis of Cardiovascular Development, Disease and Regeneration- specialist 5602-DS-CARDIOBASIS
- (in Polish) Zarządzanie czasem (umiejętnosci miękkie) 5602-DS-CZAS
- (in Polish) Effective management of scientific career_sort skills 5602-DS-ENG-CAREER
- (in Polish) Efektywne zarządzanie karierą naukową (umiejętności miękkie) 5602-DS-ZARZADZ
- (in Polish) Biodiversity conservation and ecology of tropical cities (specialist) 5602-DS-TROPICITY
- (in Polish) Arctic in a changing climate_specialist 5602-DS-ENG-ARCTIC
- (in Polish) Bioacoustics - discoveries, methods and relationships with other scientific disciplines_specialist 5602-DS-ENG-BIOACO
- (in Polish) Basics of NGS sequencing data analysis_specialist 5602-DS-ENG-NGS
- (in Polish) Diagnostics tools to monitor physiological status of plants under abiotic stress conditions (short course)_specialist 5602-DS-ENG-TOOLs
- (in Polish) Mass spectrometry and proteomics in biomedical research_specialist 5602-DS-ENG-MASS
- (in Polish) Introduction to R_specialist 5602-DS-ENG-R
- (in Polish) Integrated urban water management – principles and strategies_specialist 5602-DS-ENG-WATER
- (in Polish) Global warming and ecological crisis of the Anthropocene_specialist 5602-DS-ENG-WORM
- (in Polish) Research design and statistical data analysis_specialist 5602-DS-ENG-DESIGN
- (in Polish) Nucleic acids in biomedical sciences_specialist 5602-DS-ENG-NUCACID
- (in Polish) Remote sensing and GIS in environmental application_specialist 5602-DS-ENG-RESEN
- (in Polish) Response of lake ecosystem to the sustainable restoration treatment_specialist 5602-DS-ENG-RESLAK
- (in Polish) Sea-level changes: history, mechanisms and outlook for the future _specialist 5602-DS-ENG-SEA
- (in Polish) Academic didactics 5602-DS-ENG-ACDID
- (in Polish) Application of stem cells in regenerative medicine_specialist 5602-DS-ENG-APPSTEM
- (in Polish) Data processing with R_specificity 5602-DS-ENG-DATAPRO
- (in Polish) I’ve got a business idea! Now what?_soft skills 5602-DS-ENG-IDEA
- (in Polish) Principles of Cancer Genetics 5602-DS-ENG-PRIN
- (in Polish) Bio pRedictions_specialist 5602-DS-ENG-RED
- (in Polish) Stem cells in biomedical research_specialist 5602-DS-ENG-STEM
- (in Polish) Water and climate - sustainable resources management in a changing environment_specialist 5602-DS-ENG-WATCLI
- (in Polish) Zarządzanie czasem i projektowanie wystąpień publicznych w pracy naukowca (umiejętności miękkie) 5602-DS-WYSPUB
- (in Polish) Forum - Interdyscyplinarna konferencja 5602-DS-FORUM-1
- (in Polish) Forum - Interdyscyplinarna konferencja 5602-DS-FORUM-3
- (in Polish) Drosophila model and human diseases_specialist 5602-DS-ENG-DRO
- (in Polish) Ethics in publications_specificity 5602-DS-ENG-ETHICS
- (in Polish) Biotechnology & Genome Editing_specialist 5602-DS-ENG-GENOME
- (in Polish) Reseach integrity in science for doctoral candidates_specificity 5602-DS-ENG-INT
- (in Polish) Geoquestionnaire for Data Crowdsourcing 5602-DS-ENG-CROWD
- (in Polish) Environment and Fashion Industry_specialist 5602-DS-ENG-FASHION
- (in Polish) Human ecology_specialist 5602-DS-HUECO
- (in Polish) Forum - Interdyscyplinarna konferencja 5602-DS-FORUM-4
- (in Polish) Interdyscyplinarne seminarium naukowe 5602-DS-SEMINA-2-30
- (in Polish) Glacier dynamics:processes and record-specialist 5602-DS-EN-GLACIER
- (in Polish) A brief introduction to Genomic Prediction 5602-DS-GEN
- (in Polish) Population genomics using RADseq methods 5602-DS-RADseq
- (in Polish) Summer school of statistical data analysis and its visualization_specific 5602-DS-SUMMERSCHOOL
- (in Polish) Applied protein structural bioinformatics for biotechnologies 5602-APPRO
- (in Polish) Academic writting 5602-DS-ACADEMIC
- (in Polish) Enterprenurship (negotiations; being effective; job market) 5602-DS-ENTER
- (in Polish) Human impact on fluvial systems of central Europe 5602-DS-HUMIMP
- (in Polish) Practical methods in Quaternary geology and mapping 5602-DS-PRAMET
- (in Polish) Protokół dyplomatyczny_specyfika 5602-DS-PROTOKÓŁ
- (in Polish) Soils as a source of life 5602-DS-SOILS
- (in Polish) Theory of Science, Methodology and Research Ethics 5602-DS-THEORY
- (in Polish) There and back: morphological adaptation of plants and animals to the environment_specialist 5602-DS-THERE
- (in Polish) Turning Science into a Business-specificity 5602-DS-TURN
- (in Polish) Interdyscyplinarne seminarium naukowe 5602-DS-SEMINA-3-30
- (in Polish) Use of advanced nanomaterials as a modern tool towards a sustainable agriculture 5602-AGRI
- (in Polish) Introduction into marine biology 5602-MARINE
- (in Polish) Ecology and conservation of carnivores using the example of the grey wolf 5602-WOLF
- (in Polish) An introduction to R and basic statistics for biologists 5602-INTRO-R
- (in Polish) An introduction to R and basic statistics for biologists 5602-DS-R