Soclology of Morality 24-SODL-SMO
I. The essence, objective, meaning and types of moral norms
1. Definition of a moral norm
2. Normative systems
3. Moral norms in human life
4. The influence of norms on human behaviour
5. Types of moral norms
Ii. . Moral evaluations and values
1. The essence, meaning and types of moral values
2. Moral values in the context of sociological research
3. Types and meaning of moral evaluations. Research.
4. Evaluations and values vs social norms
5. Moral values and ideals
Iii. . Sociology of morality - empirical science of moral facts
1. The definition of sociology of morality and its status
2. Sociology of morality - research methods
3. Axiological neutrality of sociology of morality
4. Moral consciousness in sociological research.
Iv. History of the sociology of morality
1. Sociology of morality around the world- e. Durkheim, g. Gurvitch, g. Le bras, e. Dupreel, k. Marks, e. Westermarck, t. Parsons.
2. Sociology of morality in Poland- k. Twardowski, F. Znaniecki, L. Krzywicki, S, czarnowski, J. Cha��asi��ski, M. Ossowska, J. Maria��ski.
V. Sociology of morality and other studies of morality
1. Sociobiology of morality
2. Social engineering and ethical technology
3. Psychology of morality
4. History of morality
5. Ethnography of morality
6. Statistics of morality
7. Semantics of morality
8. Normative studies of morality
9. Theology of morality
Vi. Sociological understanding of morality and studies on morality
1. Definition of morality.
2. Sociological understanding of moral facts
3. Definitions of morality.
4. Sociological descriptions of morality
5. Research models
Vii. Variety of the conditioning of morality
1. Social determinants of morality
2. Moral relativism and universalism
3. Institutional and informal determinants of human moral life
4. Morality, religion and worldview from sociological perspective
Viii. Variety of morality typologies
1.sociological typologies
2. Psychological typologies
3. Moral education
Ix. Moral norms in social life according to maria ossowska
1. The emergence and development of norms
2. Training and acquiring norms
3. Typologies of morality
4. Commonly accepted norms
5. Moral rules and social roles
Course coordinators
Literatura podstawowa:
1.Maria Ossowska, Socjologia moralności. Zarys zagadnień, PWN, Warszawa 1986.
2. Maria Ossowska, Normy moralne. Próba systematyzacji, PWN, Warszawa 1985.
3. Janusz Mariański, Socjologia moralności, KUL, Lublin 2006.
Literatura pomocnicza:
1. Zygmunt Bauman, Dwa szkice o moralności, Warszawa 1994.
2. Jacek Hołówka, Etyka w działaniu, Warszawa 2001.
3. Krzysztof Kiciński, Orientacje moralne. Próba systematyzacji, Warszawa 1998.
4. Janusz Mariański, Kryzys moralny czy transformacja wartości? Studium socjologiczne, KUL, Lublin 2001.
5. Józef Baniak (red.), Socjologia religii: Metodologia i problematyka socjologii moralności, WT UAM, Poznań 2009, t. 8.
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