Sociology of Family 24-SODL-S-SRO
1)Obtain knowledge about universal characteristics of a family, of the relations between social, demographic and economic processes and the forms of family life, of the research on families conducted in XX century, about main theories of family and the phenomena and processes that occur in contemporary family, family forms in European societies; main characteristics of Polish families, main threats of family life, alternative forms of family life
2)Understand: the significance of family for people on all their development stages, the stabilizing role of a family for creating the social order, the unique character of family studies, character of the relations between family and other social structures, the unique character of Polish family life
3)Gain the ability of: using main concepts and ideas existing in the field of family studies, distinguishing and describing characteristic forms of family life, systemizing knowledge of family features and the process occurring within family, using all this knowledge to explain other social processes .
Cycle of studies
Module type
Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences
Course coordinators
A. Kwak, Rodzina w dobie przemian. Warszawa 2005
A. Giza - Poleszczuk, Rodzina a system społeczny. Warszawa 2005
I. Przybył, W. Wrzesień, A. Żurek, Rodzice i dzieci w tańcu pokoleń. Poznań 2005
Tyszka, Z., Rodzina we współczesnym świecie. Warszawa 2002
Ziemska. M., Rodzina współczesna. Warszawa 2002
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: