Special Pedagogy 24-PCDL-PES
1.Students gain knowledge of a) special education as theory and practice and its conceptual apparatus, b)rehabilitation institutions and their work, c) ethical problems related to rehabilitation, d) psycho-social functioning of a person with sensory, movement, intellectual disability, autistic symptoms, chronic disease, e) functioning of a family of a disabled person, f) social attitude to the disabled
2.Students understand: a) the essence of rehabilitation in open and closed system; b) functioning mechanisms in cognitive, social and motor sphere of people: blind, deaf, physically and mentaily impaired, autistic and chronically ill, c) the process of accepting disability, d) the process o accepting child's disability by its parents.
3.Students gain abilities to: a) design elimination of negative aspects of open and closed rehabilitation system, b) predict problems that may appear in the process of disabled child's development and design the preventing programme, c) design the programme of supporting a disabled person in the process o accepting disability from the social worker perspective, d) design the programme of supporting a family of a disabled person from the social worker perspective, e) recognize discrimination against the disabled in their social and professional life and the preventing strategies.
Module learning aims
Information on where to find course materials
Methods of teaching for learning outcomes achievement
Course module conducted remotely (e-learning)
Student workload (ECTS credits)
Cycle of studies
Year of studies (where relevant)
Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences
Course coordinators
Term 2023/SL: | Term 2020/SL: | Term 2025/SL: | Term 2022/SL: | Term 2024/SL: |
Learning outcomes
1.Students gain knowledge of a) special education as theory and practice and its conceptual apparatus, b)rehabilitation institutions and their work, c) ethical problems related to rehabilitation, d) psycho-social functioning of a person with sensory, movement, intellectual disability, autistic symptoms, chronic disease, e) functioning of a family of a disabled person, f) social attitude to the disabled
2.Students understand: a) the essence of rehabilitation in open and closed system; b) functioning mechanisms in cognitive, social and motor sphere of people: blind, deaf, physically and mentaily impaired, autistic and chronically ill, c) the process of accepting disability, d) the process o accepting child's disability by its parents.
3.Students gain abilities to: a) design elimination of negative aspects of open and closed rehabilitation system, b) predict problems that may appear in the process of disabled child's development and design the preventing programme, c) design the programme of supporting a disabled person in the process o accepting disability from the social worker perspective, d) design the programme of supporting a family of a disabled person from the social worker perspective, e) recognize discrimination against the disabled in their social and professional life and the preventing strategies.
Barnes, C., Mercer, G. (2008). Niepełnosprawność. Warszawa: Sic!
Dykcik, W. (2005). Pedagogika specjalna. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM.
Gustavsson, A., Tøssebro, J., Zakrzewska-Manterys, E. (2003). Niepełnosprawność intelektualna a style życia. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo IFiS PAN.
Gustavsson, A., Zakrzewska-Manterys, E. (1997). Upośledzenie umysłowe w społecznym
w zwierciadle. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo "Żak".
Kowalik, S. (1996). Psychospołeczne podstawy rehabilitacji osób niepełnosprawnych.
Warszawa: Interart.
Krause, A. (2004). Człowiek niepełnosprawny wobec przeobrażeń społecznych. Kraków:
Oficyna Wydawnicza"Impuls".
Obuchowska, I. (1999). Dziecko niepełnosprawne w rodzinie. Warszawa: WSiP.
Smith D.D. (2008). Pedagogika specjalna. Podręcznik akademicki. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo APS.
Speck, O. (2005). Niepełnosprawni w społeczeństwie. Podstawy ortopedagogiki. Gdańsk: GWP
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: