Metal artifacts analysis 19-ZME-12-Arch-1b
The specificity of metal (bronze, iron) materials from the Baltic Sea area. Metal determinants of the individual the Early, Middle and Late Bronze Age as well as the Early Iron Age. Distinct characteristics of metal material processing methods and techniques in the cultural and chronological context.
Functional aspect of the various items.
Cycle of studies
Module type
Year of studies (where relevant)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
2) understands:
- the terminology related to typology and technology of metal (bronze and iron) materials;
- the importance of characteristic features of
the Baltic Sea metallurgy in the various periods of the Bronze and Early Iron Age phases;
3) gains the skills:
- to properly select bronze and iron artifacts and differentiate between various types of items and methods of shaping distinctive forms and its chronological-cultural affiliation;
- to critically evaluate and use data connected with metal
materials presented in the archaeological literature.
Assessment criteria
written test with note
BUKOWSKI Z., 1998, Pomorze w epoce brązu w świetle dalekosiężnych kontaktów wymiennych, Gdańsk.
DĄBROWSKI J., HENSEL Z., 2005, Metallgießerei in der älteren Bronzezeit in Polen, Prähistorische Zeitschrift 80/1, s. 5 – 48.
GEDIGA B., 1982, Metalurgia brązu w kulturze łużyckiej na Śląsku, Pamiętnik Muzeum Miedzi 1, s. 109 – 130.
GEDL M., 1982, Zarys dziejów metalurgii miedzi i brązu na ziemiach polskich do początków epoki żelaza, Pamiętnik Muzeum Miedzi 1, s. 33 – 66.
HOFFMANN M.J., 2000, Kultura i osadnictwo południowo-wschodniej strefy nadbałtyckiej w I tysiącleciu p.n.e., Olsztyn.
VANDKILDE H., 1996, From Stone to Bronze. The Metalwork of the Late Neolithic and Earliest Bronze Age in Denmark, Aarhus.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: