Lithic Analysis 19-ZKR-12-Arch-1b
The specificity of flint materials from the Baltic Sea area.
Lithic determinants of the individual Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic and Bronze Age groups.
Distinct characteristics of flint material processing methods and techniques in the cultural and chronological context.
Functional aspect of the various tools.
Practical classes – interpretation of the original and experimental materials in the selected contexts.
Cycle of studies
Module type
Year of studies (where relevant)
Course coordinators
Term 2023/SL: | Term 2020/SL: | Term 2022/SL: | Term 2024/SL: | Term 2021/SL: |
Learning outcomes
1) gains the detailed knowledge of distinctive types, technologies and utilized lithic raw materials from
Paleolithic groups (Shouldered Point, Backed Blade and Tanged Point complexes), Maglemosian and Northeastern complexes, basic Neolithic cultures (i.a. Linear Pottery, Funnel Beaker, Globular Amphora, Corded Ware) and selected units from the Bronze Age;
2) understands:
- the terminology related to typology and technology of lithic materials;
- the importance of characteristic features of flint materials from the Baltic Sea area in the context of locations of deposits of siliceous rocks, settlements and other items of daily social life associated with various periods in the prehistory;
3) gains the skills:
- to compile flint assemblages from the Baltic Sea area, in particular the Polish Lowland areas;
- to critically evaluate and use data connected with lithic materials presented in the literature;
- to properly select lithic artifacts and differentiate between various types of tools and methods of shaping distinctive forms and its chronological-cultural affiliation.
Assessment criteria
oral exam with note
Andrefsky W. Jr., 2005 Lithics, macroscopic approaches to analysis, Cambridge 2005.
Balcer B., 1983 Wytwórczość narzędzi krzemiennych w neolicie ziem Polski, Wrocław, Warszawa, Kraków, Gdańsk, Łódź.
Ginter B., Kozłowski J. K., 1990 Technika obróbki i typologia wyrobów kamiennych paleolitu, mezolitu i neolitu, Warszawa.
Inizan M. L., Reduron-Ballinger M., Roche H., Tixier J., 1999 Technology and Terminology of Knapped Stone, Meudon.
Król P. (red.), 2009 Historia krzemienia, Katowice.
Lech J., Piotrowska D. (red.), 1997 Z badań nad krzemieniarstwem epoki brązu i wczesnej epoki żelaza, Warszawa.
Kobusiewicz M., 1999 Ludy zbieracko-łowieckie północno-zachodniej Polski, Poznań.
Szymczak K., 1995 Epoka kamienia Polski północno-wschodniej na tle środkowoeuropejskim, Warszawa.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: