Landscape of Wielkopolska as a cultural heritage 19-WKK-12-Arch-dz1
During the courses student gets known with the fundamental theoretical issues, applying to the theme of the cultural landscape:
a) the definition of the cultural landscape,
b) issue of the law protection over the cultural landscape in Poland (or wider – in Europe),
c) cultural landscape in archeology,
d) natural conditions and the anthropogenic factors, shaping the cultural landscape of Wielkopolska (historical view of the settling processes).
Issues, discussed during the courses, are illustrated with teaching materials based on the lecturer’s own searching experience and the literature.
Cycle of studies
Module type
Year of studies (where relevant)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Student knows and understands the most important definitions, terms and theoretical models, connected with researching the cultural landscape in archeology. He/She is able to describe and understand the cultural processes, which affect the landscape in some specific way. Student is able to diagnose the cultural landscape threats. He/She knows the basic laws of protection the cultural landscape and knows examples of using them in the research practice.
Assessment criteria
1) Tilley Ch. 1994, A Phenomenology of Landscape: Places, Paths and Monuments, Oxford.
2) Kobyliński Z. 1997, Aktualne zagrożenia dziedzictwa archeologicznego w Polsce. Poznańskie Zeszyty Archeologiczno-Konserwatorskie 6, s. 7-25.
3) Kobyliński Z. 1999, Krajobraz archeologiczny. Ochrona zabytków archeologicznych jako form krajobrazu kulturowego, Warszawa.
4) Kobyliński Z. 2001, Teoretyczne podstawy konserwacji dziedzictwa archeologicznego, Warszawa.
5) Rączkowski W., Sroka J. 2002, Cudze chwalicie, swego nie znacie: o różnym postrzeganiu krajobrazu kulturowego, w: De rebus futuris memento: przyszłość przeszłego krajobrazu kulturowego Ziemi Sławieńskiej, Rączkowski W., Sroka J. (red.), Sławno, 7-22.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: