Introduction to the History of Art 19-WHS-23-Arch
The course discusses shortly the formation of art history as modern scientific discipline, taking into consideration its common roots with classical archaeology and studies on ancient art. Further on while the seminar students should be familiar with basic methods of analysis and conceptualization applied in art history for competent and insightful description and interpretation of works of ancient art and architecture.
Module learning aims
Cycle of studies
Module type
Year of studies (where relevant)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
1) gain the basic knowledge of specialist's art history terminology, with particular focus on painting, sculpture, mosaics, and vases, building constructions, alongside with knowledge on development of ancient architecture, and ancient ornamentation and decoration.
2) gain the understanding of art history methods and theories, and is able to apply them into own research,
3) gain the skills necessary to make competent and insightful description and analysis of works of ancient art and architecture in historical perspective.
Assessment criteria
Class participation, in-class presentation of chosen topics, written description of selected pieces of ancient art and architecture along with their analyses, mid-term and final written tests to check the basic knowledge about art history methods and theories and basic terminology.
Textbooks and Papers
Bianchi Bandinelli, R. 1976. Introduzione all'archeologia classica come storia dell'arte antica, Roma-Bari.
Bugaj, E. 2011. Archeologia klasyczna w poszukiwaniu swej tożsamości. Między przeszłością, teraźniejszością a historią sztuki, Folia Praehistorica Posnaniensia, t. 16.
D'Alleva, A. 2005. Methods and Theories of Art History, London.
Ling, R. (ed.). 2000. Making Classical Art. Process & Practice, Stroud.
Müller-Wiener, W. 1988. Griechisches Bauwesen in der Antike, München.
Scott, S. 2006. Art and the Archaeologist, World Archaeology 38.4: 628-643.
Skubiszewski, P. (ed.). 1973. Wstęp do historii sztuki, vol. 1. Przedmiot - Metodologia - Zawód, Warszawa.
Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
Campbell, G. (ed.). 2007. The Grove Encyclopedia of Classical Art and Architecture, vols. I-II, Oxford.
Encyklopedia sztuki starożytnej. Europa, Azja, Afryka, Ameryka, 2003. 2nd ed., Warszawa.
Fuga, A. 2004. Dizionari dell'Arte: Tecniche e materiali delle arti, Milano.
Grossman, J. B. 2003. Looking at Greek and Roman Sculpture in Stone. A Guide to Terms, Styles, and Techniques, Los Angeles.
Koch, W. 1991. Baustilkunde, München.
Müller, W., Vogel, G. 1997. DTV-Atlas Baukunst, München.
Słownik terminologiczny sztuk pięknych. 2003. 4th ed., Warszawa.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: