Introduction to Material Finds Analysis I (rock materials) 19-WDZ1-11-Arch
Characterisation of flint and stone raw materials.
Recognition of the flint artifacts.
Fundamental techniques and methods of flintknapping.
Fundamental types of Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic tools.
Structure of erratic raw material on the Polish Plain.
Prehistoric raw material mining.
Long-range circulation of rock raw material in the Neolithic - understanding and using.
Use of stone in typological, functional, cultural, and chronological aspects.
Typological variability of stone artifacts in prehistory.
Module learning aims
Cycle of studies
Module type
Year of studies (where relevant)
Course coordinators
Term 2021/SZ: | Term 2019/SZ: | Term 2022/SZ: | Term 2023/SZ: | Term 2021/SL: |
Learning outcomes
1) gains the basic knowledge of distinctive types, technologies of stone artifacts and methods for obtaining and using raw materials related to the Stone and Bronze Age;
2) gains the understanding of the basic terminology related to characteristics of the stone materials;
3) gains the skills necessary to make a proper selection of the stone artifacts and general definition of its chronological and cultural affiliation.
Assessment criteria
final quizz with mark
Andrefsky W. Jr., 2005 Lithics, macroscopic approaches to analysis, Cambridge.
Ginter B., Kozłowski J. K., 1990 Technika obróbki i typologia wyrobów kamiennych paleolitu, mezolitu i neolitu, Warszawa.
Inizan M. L., Reduron-Ballinger M., Roche H., Tixier J., 1999 Technology and Terminology of Knapped Stone, Meudon.
Król P. (red.), 2009 Historia krzemienia, Katowice.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: