Legal framework of protection of archaeological heritage 19-PPO-12-Arch-dz1
This course aims to systematically discuss major legal documents defining rules and practice of protection and management of archaeological heritage. In subsequent thematic blocks, various legal documents, issued by the United Nations, European and Poland, are presented. Furthermore, legal framework and practice in this domain are systematically scrutinized in selected European countries, with special focus on the situation in Poland.
Cycle of studies
Module type
Year of studies (where relevant)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
1) will gain the basic knowledge of: legal system defining rules and practice in the domain of protection and management of archaeological heritage in Poland and Europe in a historical perspective as well as political, social, and economic context of changes in these regulations;
2) will gain the understanding of: circumstances of formulating legal doctrines in different periods following the end of the WWII, in particular in changing geopolitical situations in the world, Europe, and Poland;
3) will gain the skills necessary to: analyze legal acts of different kind, in particular establish relationships between international conventions and national legislations, legal acts and secondary legislation as well as conceptualize relations between intellectual and cultural trajectories of development in subsequent countries and understanding of conservation doctrine by them.
Assessment criteria
Kobyliński, Z. (red.) 1998. Ochrona dziedzictwa archeologicznego w Europie. Warszawa.
Kobyliński, Z. 2001. Teoretyczne podstawy konserwacji dziedzictwa archeologicznego. Warszawa.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: