Cultural provinces in European Barbaricum 19-PKB-23-ArchU
Presentation the cultural provinces in European Barbaricum, with particular focus on selected aspects of the history of Scandinavia at the turn of the eras. Presentation the model of cultural development of this province, in the context of civilizational changes taking place of that time in Central European Barbaricum.
Module learning aims
Cycle of studies
Module type
Year of studies (where relevant)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
1) knows the cultural provinces in European Barbaricum;
2) obtains an advanced knowledge of Scandinavia during this period;
3) is able to point to differences and similarities between the communities from the Baltic Sea region;
4) understands the interdependence between the selected zone in Northern Europe and the interior of European continent in socio-political terms.
Assessment criteria
On the base of attendance list and active participation in classes.
Hagerman M.
2011 Försvunnen värld. Om den största arkeologiska utgrävningen nägonsin i Sverige, Stockholm.
Ilkjaer, J
2007 Illerup Ådal. Czarodziejskie zwierciadło archeologii, tłum. A. Kokowski, Warszawa.
Martens J.
1990 Borremose Reconsidered. The Date and Development of a Fortified Settlement of the Early Iron Age, „Journal of
Danish Archaeology”, vol. 7 (1988), pp. 159-181.
Martens J. (ed.)
1997 Chronological Problems of the Pre-Roman Iron Age in Northern Europe. Symposium at the Institute of Prehistoric and
Classical Archaeology University of Copenhagen, December 8
1992. Arkæologiske Skrifter 7, Copenhagen.
Weinmann C.
1994 Der Hausbau in Skandinavien vom Neolithikum bis zum Mittelalter. Mit einem Beitrag zur interdisziplinären Sachkulturforschung für das mittelalteriliche Island, Berlin-New York.
Welinder S.
2009 Sveriges historia. 13000 f.Kr. – 600 e.Kr., Stockholm.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: