Archaeological Museology and Practics and Protection of Copyrights 19-MPA-35-Arch
The teaching programme aims to present various aspects of conservation and preservation work, as well as other possible vocational skills that are gained in Archaeology Studies.
1. Conservation and preservation in legal and professional aspects: its history, museums ‘yesterday’ and ‘today’, the function of museums in society.
2. Preservation of historical objects: legal and professional aspects including rescue research.
3. Research funding avenues in Poland: principles of gaining ministerial research project grants and private sector sources.
4. EU funds in relation to archaeology: gaining grants – practice in the ‘Youth in Action Programme’.
5. The principles of private sector archaeology.
6. ‘Archaeology in the service of society’: how archaeology functions in the face of armed conflicts (including guest speakers).
7. The ethics of archaeology: presentation of existing statutes in ethics in respect to EU standards and discussion of ethical problems in Poland (based on the PAN Proto-historic and Prehistoric Sciences Faculty Committee project).
Cycle of studies
Module type
Year of studies (where relevant)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
1. Students gain an advanced knowledge of the basics of:
- how museums function in the legal context;
- applied legal acts in archaeology practice;
- professional conservation work principles in Poland (in the general European context);
- research funding, including the EU and private sector;
- information necessary to establish a company; what ‘a good archaeological company’ constitutes and ‘the business plan’;
- procedures related to the function of conservation professionals in Poland;
- how to draft basic documentation for official purposes (approval for archaeological research excavation etc.);
- the complexity of procedures related to gaining funding for research;
- the basic ethical demands expected of archaeologists.
2. Students gain an understanding of the basics of:
- creating exhibitions and dialogue with viewers (also in a historical sense);
- how archaeology functions in the face of armed conflict and defence of cultural heritage in its work;
- the key role played by ethics in archaeology and ability to define fundamentally related problems;
- legal acts that define all the functions of an archaeologist in respect to conservation and preservation work;
- the role of creativity in resolving basic issues related to the work of an archaeologist;
- the importance of ethical decisions for the archaeologist;
- the responsibility for relating information (appropriate for others) on the protection of cultural heritage.
3. Students gain the skills necessary to:
- create a museum exhibition appropriate to its context;
- carry out the gamut of work related to the establishment of a private company;
- work in professional teams (often applied in workshops).
Assessment criteria
class participation, in-class presentation
M. Belcher 1993 Exhibitions in Museums, Leicester.
S. Czopek 2000 Wstęp do muzealnictwa i konserwatorstwa archeologicznego, Rzeszów.
Z. Kobyliński 1998 Międzynarodowe zasady ochrony i konserwacji dziedzictwa archeologicznego, Warszawa.
Z. Kobyliński (red.) 1998 Ochrona dziedzictwa archeologicznego w Europie, Warszawa.
J. Lorenc, L. Skolnick, C. Berger 2008 Czym jest projektowanie wystaw? Warszawa.
M. Popczyk (red.) 2005 Przestrzeń sztuki: obrazy-słowa-komentarze, Katowice.
M. Trzciński 2010 Przestępczość przeciwko zabytkom archeologicznym: problematyka prawno-kryminalistyczna, Warszawa.
K. Zeidler, M. Trzciński 2009 Wykład prawa dla archeologów, Warszawa.
Z. Żygulski 1982 Muzea na świecie. Wstęp do muzealnictwa, Warszawa.
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Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: