Macroscopic and microscopic methods of the material finds research: Textiles 19-MMMBZ-11-ArchU
Spinning and weaving tools are discussed, known from sites dated to the Stone Age till modern times. Presented are mainly 'excavation textiles', but also other kinds of non-woven items and their imprints on sample surfaces. Preliminary examinations and measurements of textiles and samples with imprints collected during former and present excavations are a part of the course.
Module learning aims
Cycle of studies
Module type
Year of studies (where relevant)
Learning outcomes
1) gain the advanced knowledge of: (a) 'revolutionary' changes observed in development of weaving; (b) basic tools used to produce fabric, plaits, knitwear, and other non-woven products; (c) examination of fibres and basic plaits; (d) methods of recognition of textile imprints on pottery and other clay, metal, glass, and organic items;
2) gain the understanding of: (a) basic terminology used in analyses of textiles and clothes; (b) significance of physical examination of artefacts collected during excavations;
3) gain the skills necessary to: (a) properly use an optical microscope; (b) measure samples; (c) recognise selected textiles and non-woven items; (d) spot their imprints; (e) weave simple plaits; (f) read critically scientific papers concerning the subject, summarise and conclude.
Assessment criteria
Credit based on attendance, involvement into discussions and final written test.
L. Bender Jørgensen, Forhistoriske textiler i Skandinavien. Prehistoric Scandinavian Textiles, København 1986.
T. J. Chmielewski, Po nitce do kłębka... O przędzalnictwie i tkactwie młodszej epoki kamienia w Europie Środkowej, Warszawa 2009.
E. Crowfoot, F. Pritchard, K. Staniland, Textiles and Clothing c. 1150-1450, [w:] Medieval Finds from Excavations in London, t. 4, London 1992.
M. Hald, Olddanske tekstiler, Nordiske Fortidsminder V, 1950.
J. Maik, Wyroby włókiennicze na Pomorzu z okresu rzymskiego i ze średniowiecza, Wrocław-Warszawa-Kraków-Gdańsk-Łódź 1988.
M. Michałowska, Słownik terminologiczny włókiennictwa, Warszawa 1995.
K. Schlabow, Textilfunde der Eisenzeit in Norddeutschland, Neumünster 1976.
I. Turnau, Historia dziewiarstwa europejskiego do początku XIX wieku, Wrocław-Warszawa-Kraków-Gdańsk 1979.
I. Turnau, Historia europejskiego włókiennictwa odzieżowego od XIII do XVIII w., Wrocław-Warszawa-Kraków-Gdańsk-Łódź 1987;
Zarys historii włókiennictwa na ziemiach polskich do końca XVIII wieku (red. J. Kamińska, I. Turnau), Wrocław-Warszawa-Kraków 1966.
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