Methods of Interpretation of Archaeological Material Finds: Metal Artifacts from Medieval and Early Modern Times 19-MIZM-11-ArchU
The aim of the course is to provide students with knowledge of selected iron, bronze, and silver artefacts from the medieval and early modern times (up to mid-17th century); to discuss principles regarding their dating in the context of various types of sites: settlements, strongholds, towns, cemeteries, hoards, and battlefields. Each student is given an opportunity to determine diagnostic features of the items in terms of technology used in their production processes, their functions, length and degree of their exploitation. Selection of artefacts is supposed to be a subject of macro- and microscopic examination, especially iron ones (implements and weapons) and bronze items (jewellery).
Module learning aims
Cycle of studies
Module type
Year of studies (where relevant)
Learning outcomes
1) gain the advanced knowledge of : (a) selected medieval and modern times implements, jewellery, and weapons; (b) their dating; (c) ways they were reused; (d) recognition of degree to which they were exploited and condition in which they survived; (e) how to deal with such artefacts in situ;
2) gain the understanding of: (a) terminology, concerning mainly iron items and to the lowest degree also bronze and silver ones; (b) significance of the research on the role those artefacts had played since the medieval times in comprehension of modern culture;
3) gain the skills necessary to: (a) recognise particular categories of artefacts; (b) excavate them correctly in situ and prepare them for conservation; (c) recognise degree of damage; (d) read, understand, and discuss scientific papers concerning the subject; (e) correctly use basic terms; (f) summarise and conclude; (g) work individually and in groups.
Assessment criteria
Test; active participation in classes.
Kóčka-Krenz H., Biżuteria północno-zachodnio-słowiańska we wczesnym średniowieczu, Poznań 1993; Moszyński K., Kultura ludowa Słowian, Kultura materialna, t. I, Warszawa 1967; Wczesnośredniowieczne mosty przy Ostrowie Lednickim, t. 1: Mosty traktu gnieźnieńskiego (red. Z. Kurnatowska), Lednica-Toruń 2000; Świętosławski W., Strzemiona średniowieczne z ziem Polski, Łódź 1990; Ulice średniowiecznego Wrocławia, Wratislavia Antiqua (red. J. Piekalski, K. Wachowski), t. 11, Wrocław 2010; Wachowski K., Militaria z grodu na Ostrówku w Opolu, [w:] Studia nad kultura wczesnopolskiego Opola. Militaria-Wyroby bursztynowe, Wrocław 1984, s. 11-112; Wrocław na przełomie średniowiecza i czasów nowożytnych. Materialne przejawy życia codziennego, Wratislavia Antiqua (red. J. Piekalski, K. Wachowski), t. 6, Wrocław 2004; Wrzesiński K., Średniowieczne i nowożytne wyroby żelazne ze stanowiska Ostrów Tumski 9/10 w Poznaniu, [w:] Poznań we wczesnym średniowieczu (red. H. Kočka-Krenz), t. V, Poznań 2005, s. 265-342; Żak J., Maćkowiak-Kotkowska L., Studia nad uzbrojeniem CI-X wieku. Zachodniobałtyjskie i słowiańskie ostrogi o zaczepach haczykowato zagiętych do wnętrza, Poznań 1988.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: