Methods of interpretation of prehistoric “art” 19-MIS-11-ArchU
Methods of interpretation of art in different orientations, such as functionalism, structuralism, phenomenology, hermeneutics etc. (formal, stylistic, cultural, social).
Influences in the interpretation of prehistoric art from such disciplines as art history, cultural anthropology or sociology.
Understanding of prehistoric and early historic “art”.
Basic material sources of prehistoric art, especially from Central European context.
Characteristics of selected examples in order to show different interpretative possibilities in relation to different contexts:
a) Palaeolithic “art”
b) “art” from the Bronze Age and Early Iron Age,
c) “art” from the Roman period (or the early Middle Ages).
Module learning aims
Cycle of studies
Module type
Year of studies (where relevant)
Learning outcomes
After completing the course students should gain an ability to identify unaided stylistic characteristics of prehistoric “art”, both rock art and mobile one, with regard to basic periods of its development as well as changes in this respect. However, it requires skills in linking formal, structural as well as aesthetic features of prehistoric “art”. Students should be able to combine these aspects of prehistoric art with other elements of economic, social and cultural life in prehistory or in the early Middle Ages, as an integral part of a picture of prehistory. Taking into account particular contexts of occurrence of prehistoric art, they should also be aware of possible reduction of information and their causes.
The result of this course is therefore an acquisition by students of theoretical base and abilities of its practical application in interpretation of prehistoric and early Medieval Period “art” as an important archaeological source used in the construction of images of the past.
Assessment criteria
Credit based on attendance, involvement into discussions and final oral exam.
1. H. Buczyńska-Garewicz, Znak, znaczenie, wartość, Warszawa 1975.
2. J. Gąssowski, Prahistoria sztuki, Warszawa 1993.
3. A. Gieysztor, Mitologia Słowian, Warszawa 1982.
4. A. Van Gennep, Obrzędy przejścia, Warszawa 2006.
5. R. Girard, Sacrum i przemoc, Warszawa 1983.
6. J. Kubczak, Kurhany arystokracji scytyjskiej, Poznań 1978.
7. Z. Krzak, Megality Europy, Warszawa 1994.
8. C.Renfrew, P. Bahn, Archeologia. Teorie, metody, praktyka, Warszawa 2002.
9. Kultura symboliczna kręgu pól popielnicowych epoki brązu i wczesnej epoki żelaza w Europie Środkowej, Warszawa-Wrocław-Biskupin 2000.
10. Oglądy i obrazy świata społecznego, Poznań 1997.
11. Sztuka pradziejowa i wczesnośredniowieczna jako źródło historyczne, Biskupin-Wrocław 2008.
Additional information
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