Methods of Interpretation of Archaeological Material Finds: Pottery 19-MIC-11-ArchU
Technological and stylistic features of pottery are discussed, dated form Neolithic till modern times, including vessels and other clay products. Identification of production stages in examination of products and/or their fragments. Recognising preferences in terms of applied technology and stylistic features of items and referring to their functions. Searching for 'archaic' and 'typical', as well as innovative features of pottery in various periods. Presentation of selected artefacts included.
Module learning aims
Cycle of studies
Module type
Year of studies (where relevant)
Learning outcomes
1) gains the advanced knowledge of: (a) diagnostic features of of technological process ; (c) function of analysed data ; (d) dating prehistoric, medieval, and early modern vessels and other clay items ; (b) stages techniques of selected assemblages ('technological and stylistic dating') - working with artefacts ;
2) gains the understanding of: (a) pottery terminology ; (b) basic methods of technical division of pottery assemblages within periods and archaeological cultures;
3) gains the skills necessary to: (a) identify various categories of artefacts; (b) select different kinds from one another; (c) identify macro- and microscopic features of production process; (d) read critically scientific papers concerning the subject, summarise and conclude.
Assessment criteria
Test; active participation in classes.
Dąbrowska M., Kafle i piece kaflowe w Polsce do końca XVIII wieku, Wrocław-Warszawa-Kraków-Gdańsk-Łódź 1987; Goffer Z., Archaeological Chemistry. A Sourcebook on the Applications of Chemistry to Archaeology, vol. 55, New York-Chichester-Brisbane-Toronto 1980; Hulthén B., On Ceramic Technology during the Scanian Neolithic and Bronze Age. Theses and Papers in North-European Archaeology 6, Stockholm 1977; Kociszewski L., Kruppé J., Badania fizykochemiczne ceramiki warszawskiej XIV-XVII wieku, Wrocław-Warszawa-Kraków-Gdańsk 1973; Mogielnicka-Urban M., Warsztat ceramiczny w kulturze łużyckiej, Wrocław-Warszawa-Kraków-Gdańsk-Łódź 1984; Rębkowski M., Średniowieczna ceramika miasta lokacyjnego w Kołobrzegu, Kołobrzeg 1995; Stephan H.-G., Badania nad ceramiką "grupy Falkego". Bogato zdobiona gotycka kamionka łużycka i jej środowisko archeologiczno-historyczne, Wratislavia Antiqua, t. 6, 2004, s. 293-329; Stjernquist B., Technological Analysis as a Factor in Archaeological Documentation, Lund 1972; Stoksik H., Technologia warsztatu ceramicznego średniowiecznego Śląska w świetle badań specjalistycznych i eksperymentalnych, Wrocław 2007; Sulkowska-Tuszyńska K., Średniowieczne naczynia ceramiczne z klasztoru norbertanek w Strzelnie, Toruń 1997.
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