Legal framework of protection of world archaeological heritage 19-LFP-AMU-PIE
Week 1. Introduction
Week 2. Strategies for archaeological heritage management in Europe.
Week 3. International conventions: The United Nations & UNESCO
Week 4. International conventions: European Union & Council of Europe
Week 5. Legal regulations in the field of archaeological heritage in selected European countries: Great Britain & Germany
Week 6. Legal regulations in the field of archaeological heritage in selected European countries: Scandinavian countries & France
Week 7. Legal regulations regarding the protection of the archaeological heritage in Poland
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
The module is aimed at systematically presenting and discussing the main legal acts regulating the principles and practice of conservation and management of archaeological heritage in an European comparative perspective. In separate thematic blocks, regulations in this area are discussed, formulated by the United Nations and the European Union. Also discussed is the legal system and practice in this domain in selected European countries, with particular emphasis on the situation in Poland.
Harrison, R. 2013. Forgetting to Remember, Remembering to Forget: Late Modern Heritage Practices, Sustainability and the ‘Crisis’ of Accumulation. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 19: 579–95
Hodder, I. 2010. Cultural heritage rights. From ownership and descent to justice and well-being. Anthropological Quarterly 83: 861–82.
Kajda, K., Marx, A., Wright, H., Richards, J., Marciniak, A., Rossenbach, K., . . . Frase, I. 2018. Archaeology, heritage, and social value. Public perspectives on European archaeology. European Journal of Archaeology 21(1): 96-117.
Marciniak, A. 2011. Contemporary Polish archaeology in global vontext. In: L.R. Lozny, ed. Comparative Archaeologies: A Sociological View of the Science of the Past. New York: Springer, pp. 179–94
Marciniak, A. 2015. The Aftermath of Malta. In: M.H. van Dries, S.J. van der Linde & A. Strecker, eds. Fernweh. Crossing Borders and Connecting People in Archaeological Heritage Management. Essays in Honour of Prof. Willem J.H. Willems. Leiden: Sidestone Press, pp. 34–37.
Schlanger, N. & Aitchison, K. 2010. Archaeology and the Global Economic Crisis: Multiple Impacts, Possible Solutions. Trevuren: Culture Lab Editions
Sonderland, H.A., I. Lilley. 2015. The fusion of law and ethics in cultural heritage management: The 21st century confronts archaeology. Journal of Field Archaeology 40: 508-522.
van den Dries, M.H. & van der Linde, S.J. 2012. Twenty years after Malta: Archaeological heritage as a source of collective memory and scientific study anno 2012. Analecta Prehistorica Leidensia 43/44: 9–19.
Willems, W. 1998. Archaeological and heritage management in Europe. Trends and developments. European Journal of Archaeology 1(3): 293-311.
Willems, W.J.H. 2014. The future of world heritage and the emergence of transnational heritage regimes. Heritage & Society 7: 105–20.
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