European cultural landscapes and their protection 19-EKK-12-Arch-dz1
This course aims to address studies and analyses of cultural regions of Europe. Themes that will be considered are as follows:
a) an understanding of the category of space in ancient and modern times,
b) the formation of cultural landscape of Europe and its images / ancient and Medieval maps – Europe in works of important geographical works (from Herodotus to Miechowita),
c) a location and borders of Europe - geographical individuality of Europe,
d) cultural landscapes, including prehistoric and Medieval ones,
e) ways and consequences of impact of human being on environment (suppletive, compensatory, reductionist, destructive) - case studies concerning prehistory and Medieval times,
f) an Europe of regions: culture-geographical regionalization (including an idea of Central Europe),
g) Poland and its territories in Europe – historical and cultural foundation etc.,
h) archaeology’s approaches to landscape (landscape archaeology) and protection of European cultural landscapes (case studies form Central Europe).
Module learning aims
Cycle of studies
Module type
Year of studies (where relevant)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
A student will gain the knowledge about individualistic formation of cultural space of Europe from prehistory to modern times. He or she will be able to assess the consequences of influence and impact of people on environment, starting from prehistory. Students will also gain the knowledge of European regions, their significance and the need for their protection as well as forms of this very protection seeing through the lens of aspects of archaeological – or in broader terms – cultural heritage.
Assessment criteria
J. Kruk, Studia osadnicze nad neolitem wyżyn lessowych, Warszawa 1973.
L. Leciejewicz, Nowa postać świata. Narodziny średniowiecznej cywilizacji europejskiej, Wrocław 2002.
C. Renfrew, P. Bahn, Archeologia. Teorie. Metody. Praktyka, Warszawa 2002.
Y.F. Tuan, Przestrzeń i miejsce, Warszawa 1987.
P. Urbańczyk, Zdobywcy północnego Atlantyku, Wrocław 2004.
J. Wojtanowicz, Europejska przestrzeń geograficzno-kulturowa, Lublin 2009.
K. Zeidler, Prawo ochrony dóbr kultury, Warszawa 2007.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: