Archaeological heritage and tourism in Poland and Europe_1 19-DAT-12-Arch-dz1
The courses are in the form of a lecture with breaks for discussions. Student gets known with the basic issues on terminology connected with the archeological heritage (or even the cultural heritage) and the tourism (cultural and the archeotourism). The basic questions are: the problem of the definition of archeological heritage and the archeological tourism, basic of marketing and creating a touristic product, chances and dangers connected with the development of the archeotourism and the popularization of archeology. The issues will be illustrated by examples from the own practice and scientific research and the literature.
Cycle of studies
Module type
Year of studies (where relevant)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Student gets the basic knowledge about the problem of the archeological (cultural) heritage and the cultural tourism (archeotourism). He/she naturally moves around the literature. Student is able to use specialist terminology connected with the basics of marketing, creating a touristic object, archeological heritage and the cultural tourism. He/she understands the needs, chances and dangers of development of the archoetourism and popularization of archeology.
Assessment criteria
exam with note
1) Wysocki J. 1997 Rozwój turystyki jako zagrożenie i szansa dla dziedzictwa archeologicznego, w: Aktualne zagrożenia dziedzictwa archeologicznego, Poznań, 56-61.
2) Jaskanis D. 1999 O potrzebie systemowego upowszechniania
obiektów archeologicznych w turystyce kulturalnej, w: Z.
Kobyliński (red.), Krajobraz archeologiczny. Ochrona
zabytków archeologicznych jako form krajobrazu kulturowego,
Warszawa, 24-39.
3) Florek M. 2008 Wprowadzenie do archeoturystyki ziemi
sandomierskiej, w: T. Giergiel (red.), Archeoturystyka.
Nowoczesny produkt turystyczny, Sandomierz, 17-28.
4) Kaczmarek K. 2009. Turystyka archeologiczna. Turystyka
Kulturowa 1/2010, 5-14.
5) Widawski K. (red.) 2009. Turystyka kulturowa na Dolnym Śląsku: wybrane aspekty, Wrocław.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: