Archaeological heritage in the strategies of its protection and management in Europe 19-DASO-12-Arch-dz1
Archaeological heritage is being presented on the background of the world cultural heritage (broadly) and European one. Themes that will be addressed are as follows:
a) main concepts and notions: a monument, heritage (in broader
and narrow sense), cultural landscape,
b) the beginning of the formation of protection of monuments
and cultural goods in Europe, especially in Poland (until 1918),
c) the protection of archaeological heritage after the WWII,
d) cultural heritage values vs. archaeological heritage,
e) protection and care of cultural heritage,
f) conventions related to protection of heritage, including
archaeological heritage,
g) ways of identifying of archaeological heritage resources,
h) the protection of towns in the context of protection of
i) contemporary forms of “living history” tourism and
archaeotourism vs. protection of heritage.
Module learning aims
Cycle of studies
Module type
Year of studies (where relevant)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Students will gain the knowledge of legislative documents regulating the protection of cultural and archaeological heritage. As a result they will be familiar with Conventions, Regulations, organizational structures that are in charge of the protection of cultural heritage. They will also gain the ability to recognize chances and threads of archaeological heritage in the XXI century.
Assessment criteria
Kobyliński Z., Współczesne problemy prawnej ochrony dziedzictwa archeologicznego w Polsce, w: Prawna ochrona dziedzictwa kulturowego, t. III, Poznań 2009, s. 151-160.
Prawna ochrona dziedzictwa kulturowego, t. I-III. Poznań.
Sabaciński M., Praktyczne problemy prawnej ochrony dziedzictwa archeologicznego w Polsce, w: Prawna ochrona dziedzictwa kulturowego, t.III, Poznań 2009, s. 325-330.
Trzciński M., Przestępczość przeciwko zabytkom archeologicznym, Warszawa 2010.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: