Specialized vocabulary 5 (health and medicine)
Introduction to the classes
Basic tests and diagnostic methods
Central nervous system
Peripheral nervous system
Gastrointestinal tract (1)
Gastrointestinal tract (2)
Bone system (1)
Bone system (2)
Interview and physical examination. Doctor's examination (1)
Interview and physical examination. Doctor's examination (2)
Basic surgical procedures. Postoperative complications.
Translation of medical scenes (1)
Translation of medical scenes (2)
Translation of medical scenes (3)
Final vocabulary test.
Term 2020/SZ:
1. Introduction to the course 2. Anatomy and the human body, part 1 (diagnostic procedures, anatomy - basic terminology) 3. Anatomy and the human body, part 2 (body systems) 4. The central and peripheral nervous system, part 1 (brain structure – basic terminology) 5. The central and peripheral nervous system, part 2 (brain diseases – basic terminology, presentation and translation) 6. Digestive system, part 1 (its structure and basic terminology) 7. Digestive system, part 2 (diets and digestive disorders – a debate) 8. Translation of medical documentation (practical exercises) 9. Medical translation (in-class exercise to test the ability to translate under time pressure and without access to the Internet) 10. At the doctor's office (dialogues and scenes concerning a visit to the doctor's, description of illness and one’s well-being, patient’s medical history, etc.) 11. Civilization diseases, part 1 (diabetes, cancer, depression, etc. – basic terminology) 12. Civilization diseases, part 2 (presentation on selected civilization diseases and translation) 13. Surgical procedures and aesthetic medicine, part 1 (basic terminology) 14. Surgical procedures and aesthetic medicine, part 2 (practical exercises and translation) 15. Final test (translation)
Module learning aims
- practical preparation of students to translate simple medical texts
- expanding knowledge of Polish and English specialist vocabulary in the field of medicine and health
- practical application of Polish and English specialist vocabulary in the field of medicine and health (in exercises)
- the translation and interpreting of simple written texts and short oral expressions
- developing independent and group translation skills in translation projects and developing the following skills while interpreting scenes and role plays
Information on where to find course materials
WA Moodle course
English philology, translation specialisation
Methods of teaching for learning outcomes achievement
Translation exercises, audio-visual materials on the Moodle platform, vocabulary glossary, independent and group translation projects, interpreting
Course module conducted remotely (e-learning)
If need be, the course can be run entirely via e-learning platforms
Student workload (ECTS credits)
Class hours with the teacher: 30
Student's own work 1: learning vocabulary 15
Student's own work 2: performing translation tasks 15
Cycle of studies
1st cycle
Module type
Year of studies (where relevant)
Year 2
Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences
Good command of English (B2-C1) and fluent oral and written Polish
Course coordinators
Term 2018/SZ: | Term 2020/SZ: |
Module learning aims
- translating basic texts on health and medicine from Polish into English and from English into Polish
- the knowledge of some basic and more specialised medical vocabulary concerning the human body (anatomy and body systems), medical equipment, common diseases, etc.
- using medical terms freely in speech and writing
Learning outcomes
After completing the course the student can:
- perform basic interpreting and translation tasks from Polish into English using the vocabulary from the course
- perform the basic translation and interpreting tasks from English into Polish using the vocabulary from the course
- use the above-mentioned vocabulary passively (understanding) and actively (use in speech and writing)
Assessment criteria
Assessment methods:
F - vocabulary quizzes, translation exercises, independent and group translation exercises
P - pass test in vocabulary
Evaluation criteria:
very good (bdb; 5.0): from 92%
good plus (+db; 4.5): 84% - 91%
good (db; 4.0): 76% - 83%
sufficient plus (+dst; 3.5): 68% - 75%
sufficient (dst; 3,0): 60% - 67%
insufficient (ndst; 2.0): below 60%
Glendinning, Eric H. – Ron Howard. 2007. Professional English in Use. Medicine. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Pohl, Alison. 2005. Test Your Professional English. Medical. Harlow: Pearson Education
Słomski, Przemysław – Piotr Słomski. 2007. Podręczny słownik medyczny angielsko-polski i polsko-angielski. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Lekarskie PZWL.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors,
localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: