Persuasion in media
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Module learning aims
The course concentrates on the relationship between persuasion and mass-mediated discourse considered from the pragmatic and socio-psychological perspective. It aims to show that pragmatic processes and socio-psychological factors co-create the dynamics of interaction and influence the perception of the effectuality of argumentation in mass-mediated discourse. It provides students with analytical approaches to study the interrelationship between socio-psychological factors mediating attitude change and pragmatic processes influencing the perception of arguments (e.g. post-Gricean approaches). It considers different types of argumentative dialogues functioning as templates against which processes of international mass-mediated communication can be compared and evaluates their effectiveness.
Information on where to find course materials
(in Polish) Na platformie Moodle (strona domowa WA UAM, zakładka Moodle, zakładka
Persuasion in the media, 2MA Lancom (Dębowska-Kozłowska), wymagana znajomość hasła)
English philology
Specialisation: Language and communication in media and politics (Lancom)
Methods of teaching for learning outcomes achievement
(in Polish) Wykład z prezentacją multimedialną wybranych zagadnień
Wykład konwersatoryjny
Praca z tekstem
Metoda analizy przypadków
Metoda ćwiczeniowa
Metoda badawcza (dociekania naukowego) X
Demonstracje dźwiękowe i/lub video X
Materiały, artykuły naukowe, zadania na platformie e-learningowej Moodle
Student workload (ECTS credits)
(in Polish) Godziny zajęć (wg planu studiów) z nauczycielem 30 h
Praca własna studenta*
Przygotowanie do zajęć:
rozwiązywanie dodatkowych ćwiczeń przed zajęciam,1 godzina przed każdymi zajęciami, RAZEM:14h
Czytanie wskazanej literatury ok. 30 stron przed każdym wykładem (1 godzina czytania = 7 stron, 4 godziny czytania = 28 stron, RAZEM: 4hx14=56h);
Przygotowanie prezentacji 10 h
Przygotowanie pracy semestralnej 15h
Przygotowanie do kolokwium pisemnego 10h
Przygotowanie do egzaminu pisemnego 15h
Cycle of studies
2nd cycle
Module type
Year of studies (where relevant)
Year 2
Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences
(in Polish) Znajomość podstawowych pojęć z językoznawstwa i analizy dyskursu
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
1.Students will develop a capacity to use pragmatic approaches and socio-psychological models of communication for the study of persuasion in mass-mediated discourse.
2.Students will be able to distinguish the paradigm cases of the concept of persuasion in mass-mediated discourse.
3.Students will be able to analyse the influence of source and message factors on the persuasion process in the mass-media.
4.Students will be able to assess the applicability of particular theories of persuasion to the study of genuine mass-mediated communication.
5. Students will be able to explore ways in which message content and message effects research can be integrated to facilitate the understanding of the role of mass-media in public and political debates.
6. Students will be able to distinguish between actual and possible goals of participants in mass-mediated discourse and relate them to the actual reasonableness of the text.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors,
localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: