Latin with elements of classical culture 15-LWECC-ES-12
(First semester of a two semester course. Continued as 15-LWECC-ES-22 in the second semester.)
Main topics:
1) Latin among Indo-European languages; Latin alphabet and its (short) history; pronunciation in Latin (syllable lengths, rules and accent).
2) Culture
a. The Roman numbers. The Roman calendar.
b. The name of the Romans (origin, structure and function).
c. The political system of ancient Rome and the Roman institutions – some basic notions.
d. The Roman city.
e. The Roman house.
f. The Roman family (family customs, organization of the day, activities).
g. The Roman clothing.
h. Science and education in the Roman world; books in antiquity.
i. Some elements of the Roman religion; the Roman mythology.
3) Language
j. Latin grammar terminology – basic terms.
k. Latin grammar: the noun and the adjective - declensions I-V.
l. Latin grammar: the verb, its stem(s); verbs of conjugations I-IV as well as the verb ‘sum, esse’ (and its compounds) in three times (praesens, imperfectum, futurum I) of the active and passive voice.
m. Some Latin pronouns (personal, possessive, demonstrative etc.); Latin prepositions (and their case government) and conjunctions.
n. The structure of a Latin sentence. How to translate a Latin sentence.
o. Some syntactical structures: ACI, NCI, dativus possessivus.
p. Basic Latin vocabulary - Latin roots of many words in modern languages.
q. Scientific terminology of Latin and Greek origin; Latin sayings, expressions and abbreviations used even today.
r. Modern (Polish / English) phraseology - some topics of ancient origin.
Module learning aims
Information on where to find course materials
Methods of teaching for learning outcomes achievement
Student workload (ECTS credits)
Cycle of studies
Module type
Year of studies (where relevant)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Upon completing the course of ‘Latin with elements of classical culture’ every student is able to:
1. read correctly any Latin text;
2. analyse simple Latin text with description/discussion of any grammatical form and construction;
3. translate correctly simple Latin texts, sayings and expressions;
4. identify and explain the basic elements of ancient (especially Roman)culture and tradition, as well as understand and use the basic terms of ancient culture;
5. find and understand the connections between ancient (especially Roman) culture and European culture;
6. recognise the most important images and signs associated with ancient culture;
7. efficiently use teaching aids (in particular a Latin-Polish / Latin-English dictionary) and make use of modern information technologies in this area.
Assessment criteria
5 - very good knowledge of the issues of ancient culture and the Latin language; gaining no less than 92% in the final test;
4,5 - better than good knowledge of the issues of ancient culture and the Latin language; gaining no less than 84% in final test;
4 - good knowledge of the issues of ancient culture and the Latin language; gaining no less than 76% in the final test;
3,5 - quite good knowledge of the issues of ancient culture and the Latin language; gaining no less than 68% in the final test;
3 - sufficient knowledge of the issues of ancient culture and the Latin language; gaining no less than 60% in the final test;
2 - insufficient knowledge of the issues of ancient culture and the Latin language; gaining less than 60% in the final test.
• Słownik łacińsko-polski, oprac. K. Kumaniecki, W-wa 1979;
• Collins Latin Dictionary & Grammar, HarperCollins Publishers 2003;
• Mały słownik łacińsko-polski, red. J. Korpanty, W-wa 2001;
• J. Wikarjak, Gramatyka opisowa języka łacińskiego (wydanie dowolne);
• O. Jurewicz, L. Winniczuk, J. Żuławska, Język łaciński. Podręcznik dla lektorów szkół wyższych, W-wa 1995;
• A. Ziółkowski, Historia Rzymu, Poznań 2004;
• W. Kopaliński, Słownik wyrazów obcych i zwrotów obcojęzycznych, W-wa 1970;
• W. Kopaliński, Słownik mitów i tradycji kultury, Kraków 1991;
• Mała encyklopedia kultury antycznej, red. Z. Piszczek, PWN, W-wa 1973;
• Vademecum historyka starożytnej Grecji i Rzymu, red. E. Wipszycka, PWN W-wa 2001;
• Słownik pisarzy antycznych, red. A. Świderkówna, W-wa 2001;
• L. Zerbini, Starożytne miasto rzymskie, Bellona W-wa2008;
• M. Beard, J. North, S. Price, Religie Rzymu. Historia, Napoleon V, Oświęcim 2017.
• P. Grimal, Słownik mitologii greckiej i rzymskiej, Ossolineum W-wa 1987;
• L. Winniczuk, Ludzie, zwyczaje i obyczaje starożytnej Grecji i Rzymu, PWN W-wa 2012;
• A. Brückner, Słownik etymologiczny języka polskiego, W-wa 1970;
• K. Długosz-Kurczabowa, Wielki słownik etymologiczny języka polskiego, PWN W-wa 2008
• M. Korolko, Thesaurus albo Skarbiec łacińskich sentencji, przysłów i powiedzeń w literaturze polskiej, Warszawa 2004.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: