Latin 15-JLAC-12
(First semester of a two-semester course. Continued as 15-JLAC-12 in the second semester.)
Learning contents:
a) Basic concepts regarding the structure of Latin (e.g. pronunciation rules, vowel length, stress).
b) Knowledge of Latin grammar:
• declinations I-V,
• conjugations (I-IV) + sum, esse; compounds of sum, esse;
• indicativus praesentis, imperfecti, futuri I activi i passivi,
• infinitivus praesentis activi i passivi,
• imperativus praesentis activi,
• participium praesentis activi,
• pronouns (personal, reflexive, possessive, interrogative)
• prepositions,
• adjectives and adverbs, comparison of adjectives and adverbs,
• cardinal numerals, ordinals, Roman numerals,
• ACI, NCI; dativus possessivus, ablativus comparativus, genetivus partitivus.
Module learning aims
Methods of teaching for learning outcomes achievement
Student workload (ECTS credits)
Cycle of studies
Module type
Year of studies (where relevant)
Learning outcomes
After passing the course, the student is able to:
•read and translate properly a selection of basic authentic texts, and adapted texts, related to their field of studies,
•conduct text analysis and describe linguistic forms and grammar constructions,
•use teaching and learning resources skillfully,
•demonstrate knowledge of basic issues of Ancient Classical Culture.
Assessment criteria
Assessment criteria. Course requirements include:
- attendance and active participation in classes,
- preparation for classes,
- oral and written assignments,
- final evaluation.
Słownik łacińsko-polski, oprac. K. Kumaniecki, Warszawa 1979.
Mały słownik łacińsko-polski, red. J. Korpanty, Warszawa 2001.
Mały słownik polsko-łaciński, red. L. Winniczuk, Warszawa 2005.
W. Kopaliński, Słownik wyrazów obcych i zwrotów obcojęzycznych, Warszawa 1970.
W. Kopaliński, Słownik mitów i tradycji kultury, Kraków 1991.
Mała encyklopedia kultury antycznej, red. Z. Piszczek, PWN, Warszawa 1973.
M. Korolko, Thesaurus abo Skarbiec łacińskich sentencji, przysłów i powiedzeń
w literaturze polskiej, Warszawa 2004.
J. Danka, M. Kaźmierczak, Język łaciński dla anglistów, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź 2004.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: