History of English literature 1 15-HLA1-ZL
- the Old English period, characteristic features of the Old English poetry, epic poetry (Beowulf), religious poetry (The Dream of the Rood), other poetic genres;
- Middle-English literature, the romance, the fabliau and other genres of the period, The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer, medieval drama;
- Renaissance drama, King Lear, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Shakespeare's sonnets.
- mataphysical poetry, John Donne and George Herbert;
- the Puritan period and the Restoration;
poetry of the 18th century, Alexander Pope (The Rape of the Lock, An Essay on Criticism);
- the beginnings of the novel (Robinson Crusoe, fragments of Tom Jones)
- gothic fiction
- the preromantic poetry of Robert Burns and William Blake
Module learning aims
Information on where to find course materials
Methods of teaching for learning outcomes achievement
Student workload (ECTS credits)
Cycle of studies
Module type
Year of studies (where relevant)
Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences
Course coordinators
Term 2021/2022: | Term 2023/2024: | Term 2022/2023: | Term 2018/2019: | Term 2019/2020: | Term 2020/2021: |
Learning outcomes
- students are able to recognize major trends in the history of English literature till the end of the 18th century and the characteristic features of different literary genres;
- students can analayse and interpret a literary text in its historical context;
- students can understand literary texts of different literary kinds and different genres;
- students can read and understand critical texts;
- students can use critical texts in their own analysis of literary texts;
- students can present their own interpretation of literary texts and articipate in the discussion during the class;
- students can present their conclusions after the discussion in class;
- students can present the analysis of literary texts in an oral and written form;
Assessment criteria
active participation in classes, questions checking the knowledge and understanding the discussed texts, assignments testing the ability of analysisng a literary text
The course ends with a written examination (an essay, open questions)
The literary texts (or fragments of texts) discussed in class:
Sikorska, Liliana (ed.). 2007. An Outline History of English Literature in Texts. Vol. 1 i 2. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Poznańskie.
Recommended reading:
Sikorska, Liliana. 2007. A Short History of English Literature. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Poznańskie.
Beadle, Richard (ed.). 1994. The Cambridge Companion to Medieval English Theatre. Cambridge: CUP.
Boitani, Piero and Jill Mann (eds). 1998. The Cambridge Companion to Chaucer. Cambridge: CUP.
Davis, Lennard. 1983 [1996]. Factual Fictions. The Origins of the English Novel. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
de Grazia, Margreta - Stanley Wells (eds.) 2001. The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare. Cambridge: CUP.
Gardner, Helen (ed.) 1960. Metaphysical Poets. Penguin Books
Gerrard, Christine (ed.). 2002. Eighteenth-century poetry. Malden: Blackwell Publishing.
Krajewska, Wanda. 1984. English Poetry of the Nineteenth Century. Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe.
Krueger, Roberta (eds.). 2000. The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Romance. Cambridge: CUP.
McKeon, Michael. 1988. The Origins of the EnglishNnovel 1600-1740. Baltimore: The John Hopkins University Press.
Punter, David. A Companion to the Gothic. Malden: Blackwell Publishing.
Richetti, John (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to the Eighteenth-Century Novel. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Watson, J.R. 1992. English Poetry of the Romantic Period, 1789-1830. London: Loongman.
Watt, Ian. 1957 [2009]. The Rise of the Novel. Studies in Defoe, Richardson and Fielding. Whitefish: Kessinger Publishing.
Zbierski, Henryk. 1988. William Shakespeare. Warszawa: Wiedza Powszechna.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: