Educational policy 11-POLO-11-n
Lecture topics include:
- The objectives of the educational policy of the state;
- Educational policy of the EU;
- Barriers to access to education in Poland;
- Key competences for lifelong learning;
- Typology of educational reforms;
- Education in the perspective of changes in social life;
- The tasks of local government units in Poland in the field of education;
Issues covered in the discussion during the exercise are:
- Patriotic education as one of the key areas of educational policy of the state;
- Conditions and priorities of education in the EU Member States;
- The concept of the program of the educational policy of local governments;
- Higher public and private in Poland;
- Specificity and contemporary problems of higher education in Poland;
- Tasks that confront education in the context of the future;
- Educational programs of the European Union.
Module learning aims
Information on where to find course materials
Methods of teaching for learning outcomes achievement
Course module conducted remotely (e-learning)
Student workload (ECTS credits)
Cycle of studies
Module type
Year of studies (where relevant)
Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences
Course coordinators
Term 2020/SL: | Term 2025/SL: | Term 2022/SL: | Term 2019/SL: | Term 2018/SL: | Term 2023/SL: | Term 2021/SL: | Term 2024/SL: |
Learning outcomes
The student obtains basic knowledge about the place of education in the system of state social policy, methods of its creation, legal documents defining the framework and practical egzemplifikacjach selected issues problematic in this regard.
The skills the student is able to make a critical analysis of the processes taking place in the area of educational changes, capture the relationships between the documents and the reality of educational and locate some elements of practical educational activities in the context of the vision of the purpose of education in the perspective of local, national and European.
Assessment criteria
The proof test.
Assessment criteria:
5.0 - a full understanding of the problems of educational policy with the ability to generate original solutions;
4.5 - a full understanding of the problems of educational policy;
4.0 - understanding the fundamental problems of educational policy;
3.5 - elementary orientation in the principles of the functioning of educational policy;
3.0 - elementary orientation in the principles of the functioning of educational policy with numerous errors;
2.0 - lack of orientation in the principles of the functioning of educational policy.
• E. Potulicka, Citizenship - a new teaching subject in England,
[In] M. Dudzikowa, M. Czerepaniak - Walczak, education. Concepts - Processes - Contexts, vol. 4, Gdańsk, 2008.
• K. Skarżyńska, Types of patriotism. Whether and how personal experience and education differentiate national attitudes, [in] Ibid .
• A. Przecławska God, honor and fatherland in the reception of contemporary youth - reflections educator, [in] Ibid .
• J. Delors, Education. It is the treasure, Warsaw 1998. (Chapter 4 and 5)
• The concept of "Educational Policy Local Government".
• A. Brzezińska, education and the challenges of local communities.
• D. Dziewulak, education policy of the European Community. Warsaw, 1995, Chapters 1, 2, 4.
• B. Śliwerski, Problems of modern education. The deconstruction of the educational policy of the Third Republic, Warsaw 2009 (Introduction and Chapter 1).
• K. Przyszczypkowski, Environmental determinants of education. Locality of the provinciality chance of liberation, [in] K. Denek, T.M. Cold, Education Tomorrow. Tatra VII Scientific Seminar, Czestochowa 2001.
• J. Auleytner, Education without borders, [in] E. Malewska, Śliwerski B. (ed.) Pedagogy and education to new communities and differences in a unifying Europe. Kraków 2002.
• A. Cudowska, Contexts modern educational transformations, [in] Ibid .
• A. Popławska, idea of self-government. Bialystok in 2001, Chapter 2.
• M.S. Szymanski, non-public education in Poland, "Education Quarterly" 2005, No. 3.
• Z. I. Pasko, independent self-governing public schools, [in] J. Kochanowicz, T. Turner (ed.), The State and Education, Wrocław 2008.
• M. Błędowska, Authority teacher in a democratic school [in] Ibid
• W. Abramovich, Education. [In] Poland and the Global Information Society. Human Development Report. Warsaw 2002.
• Ch. Handy, Hunger spirit. Beyond capitalism. The search for meaning in the modern world. Wroclaw: 1999. (165 - 182).
• J. Kuron, Action. Wroclaw: 2002 (156 - 167).
• K. Denek, Education information civilization, [in] "Educational discourses",
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: