An introduction to education and rehabilitation of a child with intellectual disability 11-OER-11-s
Presentation of knowledge about the specificity of education of children and young people with mild disabilities. Characteristics of teaching methods used in education and rehabilitation of children with intellectual disabilities
Acquainting with the history and theoretical premises of methods of work centers. Presentation of ideas and theoretical considerations on teaching in a special school. Acquainting with theoretical assumptions of Polish language education, mathematics and socio-nature education.
Students learn about the theoretical and practical premises of the methods of work centers. They learn the developmental characteristics of children with mild intellectual disabilities; learn the specificity of introducing content from the range of different educations such as: Polish language education during the classes conducted with the use of the work centers' method. Become familiar with various methods supporting the development of school children skills. Familiarize themselves with methods of work in forms IV - VI of a special school, special school lower high school and above lower high school education. Familiarize themselves with the principles and problems of work in a boarding house for children and young people with mild intellectual disabilities. Characterize basic cognitive difficulties, emotional and social conditions of children and young people and the strategies for coping with them. Classes are mostly conducted with the use of the simulation method. Organization of work in a special school for children with moderate and severe intellectual disabilities.
Specificity of working with a student with profound intellectual disabilities.
Module learning aims
Information on where to find course materials
Methods of teaching for learning outcomes achievement
Student workload (ECTS credits)
Cycle of studies
Module type
Year of studies (where relevant)
Course coordinators
Module learning aims
Learning outcomes
A student:
- interprets the behavior of children and youth with intellectual disabilities in accordance with their developmental specificity
- understands and defines the basic principles and mechanisms of teaching children and youth with intellectual disabilities,
- defines the chosen methods of education and rehabilitation for children and youth with intellectual disabilities according to the level of education and the degree of disability,
- defines the specificity of education of children and youth with intellectual disabilities in Poland
- selects the working methods adequately to the individual child's needs and goals
- introduces the content of individual education in accordance with the capabilities of children and youth with intellectual disabilities,
- draws up a syllabus for children and youth with intellectual disabilities,
- proposes solutions to the analyzed problems while working in the group, presents arguments, participates in the process of reaching common understanding
- is aware of the importance of reflection on his/her attitude towards a disabled student.
Assessment criteria
tests, assessment of the scenarios of classes
5.0- excellent knowledge, skills and personal and social competencies
4.5- very good knowledge, skills and personal and social competencies
4.0- good knowledge, skills and personal and social competencies
3.5 - satisfying knowledge, skills and personal and social competencies but with significant faults
3.0- satisfying knowledge, skills and personal and social competencies but with numerous faults
2.0- unsatisfying knowledge, skills and personal and social competencies
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Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: