Activating local environment of a child with disabilities 11-ASLDN-11-s
Analyzing social communities in the context of their activity and prevention of marginalization.
Participation in culture, leisure time and it management in the context of milieu development for children with disabilities.
Local community as an area of actions. The role of local community.
Selected problems affecting the contemporary family of a child with disabilities in the local environment.
The role and significance of people and institutions of an educational nature, serving the dissemination of culture and assistance, supporting the family of a child with disabilities in the local environment.
Animation as a method of stimulating individuals, groups and local communities. The role of an animator.
Non-governmental organizations and their importance in activating families and children with disabilities on a daily basis.
Integration of educational actions of different institutions for children with disabilities.
Module learning aims
Number of hours
Methods of teaching for learning outcomes achievement
Course module conducted remotely (e-learning)
Student workload (ECTS credits)
Cycle of studies
Module type
Course coordinators
Module learning aims
Learning outcomes
Explains the need of activating the particular milieus in the context of their everyday actions and prevention of exclusion and marginalization.
Explains the role of appropriate management of leisure activities, appropriate use of culture and the need of collaboration. Analyses the functions of educational, cultural and supportive institutions in the milieu.
Describes the characteristic features of a local community as an area of activities. Uses methods of activating local community.
Indicates on problems and difficulties of the contemporary family.
Stimulates local community using different working methods and techniques with an individual, a group and society, including animation.
Assess the conditions and possibilities of systematic actions (individuals, institutions, organizations) in order to activate local community.
Identifies the needs of social communities and stimulates collaboration in order to optimize the developmental and educational processes.
Takes educational/pedagogic actions in the milieu and collaborates with the others.
Assessment criteria
Discussion, observation of students’ work during classes; assessment of skills; exam.
Judging cryteria:
bardzo dobry (bdb; 5,0):
dobry plus (+db; 4,5):
dobry (db; 4,0):
dostateczny plus (+dst; 3,5):
dostateczny (dst; 3,0):
niedostateczny (ndst; 2,0):
K. Segiet, K. Słupska, A. Tokaj (red.), Animacja w środowisku. O potrzebie kreowania działań lokalnych (teoria a praktyka społeczna), Poznań 2017.
J. Prokopowicz, M. Hausman-Pniewska, Współtworzę Zatorze, czyli animacja podwórkowa na olsztyńskim Zatorzu, Olsztyn 2016, dostęp online:
A. I. Brzezińska, M. Ohme., A. Resler-Maj, R. Kaczan, M. Wiliński., Droga do samodzielności. Jak wspomagać rozwój dzieci i młodzieży z ograniczeniami sprawności, Gdańsk 2009.
P. P. Grzybowski, Czerwony nos i radość życia. Działalność doktorów klaunów w opiniach wolontariuszy, [w:] P. P. Grzybowski, N. Woderska (red.), Wolontariat – czas stracony czy bezcenny?, Bydgoszcz 2014, dostęp online:
Stowarzyszenie Centrum Wolontariatu, Wolontariusz – beneficjent – przystanek w drodze do rozwoju osobistego na przykładzie indywidualnym, Warszawa 2015, dostęp online:
E. Góralczyk, Dziecko przewlekle chore. Psychologiczne aspekty funkcjonowania dziecka w szkole i przedszkolu. Informacje dla pedagogów i opiekunów. Seria: One są wśród nas, Warszawa 2009, dostęp online:
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: