Competition Law 10-PKw-pj-n
I. Competition law – an overview (unfair competition law, antitrust law; common backgrounds; history of legislation); II. Unfair competition law (general clause, comparative remarks – German, French and common law-model, EU law); III. Specific torts of unfair competition (distinctive signs – designation of an enterprise, geographical indications and appellations of origin, trademarks, business name; descriptive indications; protection of market achievements; interference with business relationships; unfair advertising; impeding access to the market; specific sale practices); IV. Civil and criminal liability under unfair competition law; V. Protection against unfair trade practices under 1993 Act; VI. Sources of EU competition (antitrust) law – impact on member states law. The importance of USA law; VII. Scope of Act on Protection of Competition and Consumers (function of UOKiK, legal definitions); VIII. Cartel agreements (examples, exempted agreements, block exemption); IX. Dominant position and its abuse (examples); X. Control of concentrations (notion of concentration, notification, decisions of UOKiK); XI. Statutory sanctions according to the Act on Protection of Competition and Consumers. Leniency; XII. Protection of collective consumer interests.
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