Arabic Syntax 09-syntacarab-11
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Module learning aims
Learning outcomes
After learning the course the students will know
- different approaches to linguistics studies (syntax in particularly)
- structure and elements of Arab phrase, sentence and speech (or text)
- classification of Arab sentences
- Arabic and European terminology of syntax and Arabic style
- methods and techniques for analysis of the sentence and text
After learning the course the students will be able to
- analyze Arab sentences according to their construction, type of connection and style
- construct Arab sentences of any type by themselves
- make analysis of literary texts
Assessment criteria
This course is a one-semester seminar, so the instructor gives short lectures during the classes, presents the rules of the Arabic language with detail commentaries. Then students are expected to do recommended exercises in order to fix the rules in their minds and be able to compose their own phrases and sentences.
Rating scale:
5 – The student demonstrated a comprehensive, systematic and deep knowledge of course material and terminology, successfully carried out the program tasks, learnt basic and additional literature recommended in the syllabus. The student can answer for all questions correctly and argue his opinion within the syllabus.
4,5 – The student demonstrated a very good knowledge of course material and terminology, successfully carried out the program tasks, learnt basic literature recommended in the syllabus. The student can answer for some questions correctly and argue his opinion within the syllabus.
4 – The student demonstrated a good knowledge of course material and terminology, successfully carried out the program tasks, learnt basic literature recommended in the syllabus. The student can answer for some questions correctly and argue his opinion within the syllabus.
3,5 – The student demonstrated a satisfied knowledge of course material and terminology, carried out some program tasks, learnt basic literature recommended in the syllabus. The student sometimes can give right answer for the questions of a teacher within the syllabus.
3 – The student demonstrated a basic knowledge of educational material and terminology, familiarization with the basic literature recommended in the syllabus. The student sometimes can give right answer for the questions of a teacher within the syllabus.
2 – The student demonstrated gaps in the knowledge of the main material and terminology, made fundamental errors in the implementation of the tasks given by instructor. The student cannot answer for any questions of a teacher within the syllabus.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: