Chosen aspects of Latin American Literature 09-WZLAmŁ-5LH-11
In this course, a group of famous Latin American short novels of the 20th century will be discussed, taking into account both formal-narrative aspects (textual structure) and its historical-cultural context. Despite the national and thematic diversity, what the chosen texts have in common, in addition to their influence on later works, is that they expose stories of obsessions and anomalous behaviors that determine the behavior of the characters and the structure of the diegesis. All this within the framework of the short novel, whose disputed structural status and main formal characteristics will also be reviewed in the course. The commented authors include: Eduardo Barrios, César Vallejo, Adolfo Bioy Casares, Felisberto Hernández, Ernesto Sábato, Julio Cortázar and Carlos Fuentes.
Term 2020/SZ:
In this course, a group of famous Latin American short novels of the 20th century will be discussed, taking into account both formal-narrative aspects (textual structure) and its historical-cultural context. Despite the national and thematic diversity, what the chosen texts have in common, in addition to their influence on later works, is that they expose stories of obsessions and anomalous behaviors that determine the behavior of the characters and the structure of the diegesis. All this within the framework of the short novel, whose disputed structural status and main formal characteristics will also be reviewed in the course. The commented authors include: Eduardo Barrios, César Vallejo, Adolfo Bioy Casares, Felisberto Hernández, Ernesto Sábato, Carlos Fuentes and Roberto Bolaño. |
Term 2021/SZ:
In this course, a group of famous Latin American short novels of the 20th century will be discussed, taking into account both formal-narrative aspects (textual structure) and its historical-cultural context. Despite the national and thematic diversity, what the chosen texts have in common, in addition to their influence on later works, is that they expose stories of obsessions and anomalous behaviors that determine the behavior of the characters and the structure of the diegesis. All this within the framework of the short novel, whose disputed structural status and main formal characteristics will also be reviewed in the course. The commented authors include: Eduardo Barrios, César Vallejo, Adolfo Bioy Casares, Felisberto Hernández, Ernesto Sábato, Julio Cortázar and Carlos Fuentes. |
Module learning aims
Number of hours
Methods of teaching for learning outcomes achievement
Cycle of studies
Module type
Year of studies (where relevant)
Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Upon completion of the module (subject) and confirmation of learning outcomes achievement the student will
name and characterize texts belonging to Latin American literature of the 20th and 21st centuries
characterizes the context in which the texts subject to analysis were created and were/are read
knows and applies various methods of analysing and interpreting a literary text
cites opinions expressed in critical texts of literary studies
interact with or lead a group
be open to cultural and identity differences
be aware that the creation of literature is a process, and its reception is a variable
Assessment criteria
1. Final written test. 80%
2. Classroom work (including oral presentations) 30%
3. Attendance at the seminar is compulsory. Excused absences with medical evidence (or other class approved by the teacher)
The primary texts will be indicated at the beginning of the course.
Supporting reading.
Antonio Garrido, “El estatuto incierto de la novela corta”,
José Cardona López, “La novela corta moderna hispanoamericana como tema de un seminario interuniversitario”,
José Miguel Oviedo, Historia de la literatura hispanoamericana, 3 y 4, Madrid, Alianza Editorial, 2004.
Jorge Volpi, “Elogio de la media distancia”,
Trinidad Barrera (Coord.), Historia de la Literatura Hispanoamericana, Madrid, Ediciones Cátedra, 2008.
Walter Pabst, La novela corta en la teoría y en la creación literaria, Madrid, Gredos, 1972.
Term 2020/SZ:
The primary texts will be indicated at the beginning of the course. Supporting reading. Antonio Garrido, “El estatuto incierto de la novela corta”, |
Term 2021/SZ:
The primary texts will be indicated at the beginning of the course. Supporting reading. Antonio Garrido, “El estatuto incierto de la novela corta”, |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: