Theory of legal translation, legilinguistis and forensic linguistic 09-TPPLJS-KTP-11
Teacher presents the main theories of translation in the ground of well known theories (for example Vermeer's skopos theory, Kierzkowska's pragmatic model of translation et al.). Conditions of examination for sworn translators and characteristic of sworn translator's work (like sources of knowledge) are discussed in the strength of Code of Sworn Translator. Basic issues of ligilinguistic (for example structure of legal texts et al.) and forensic linguistic, including the role of sworn translator in court, are presented.
Module learning aims
Learning outcomes
Student has knowledge about theory of specialized translation concerning especially legla tarsnlationa and legal interpreting. Student has knowledge about legilinguistic and forensic linguistic.
Assessment criteria
On-going valuation of student's work. Final semestral examination.
Practical placement
Not applied.
Alcaraz, E., Hughes, B. 2002. Legal Translation Explained. Manchester: St. Jerome Publishing.
Burukina, O. A. 2001. Gender Aspects of Legal Translation. Towards a New Age of Human
Communication, TEPIS Publishing House, p. 18-29.
Cardiff University postgrad.html
Chaffey, P. N. 1997. Language, Law and Reality. On the Practice of Legal and Specialised
Translation. Warsaw: Polish Society of Economic, Legal, and Court Translators TEPIS, p. 69-84.
Dmyterko, Ewa. 2004. Tłumaczenie ustawy dostosowane do wymogów Unii Europejskiej. Lingua Legis, no. 12, p. 80-85.
Dolata-Zaród, Anna. 2000. O przekładzie tekstu specjalistycznego. O nauczaniu przekładu. Warszawa: TEPIS Publishing House, p. 86-91.
Kielar B. Z. 1996. Na manowcach tłumaczenia tekstu prawnego: prawdopodobieństwo wywołania szoku kulturowego. F. Grucza, K. Chomicz-Jung (eds). Problemy komunikacji interkulturowej. Jedna Europa - wiele języków i wiele kultur. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, p. 135-141.
Kielar, B. Z. 1973. Angielskie ekwiwalenty terminów prawno-ustrojowych. Warszawa.
Kielar, B. Z. 1977. Language of the Law in the Aspect of Translation. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.
Kierzkowska, D. 2002. Tłumaczenie prawnicze. Warsaw: TEPIS Publishing House.
Kunz, K. 1995. Where the Devil Meets his Grandmother: Iceland and European Community Legislation. Translation and the Law. M. Morris (ed.). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, p. 85-92.
Mańczak-Wohfeld, E. 1995. Tendencje rozwojowe współczesnych zapożyczeń angielskich w języku polskim. Kraków: Universitas.
Newmark, P. 1993. About Translation. Clevedon/Philadelphia/Adelaide: Multilingual Matters Ltd.
Nida, E. A. 1964. Toward a Science of Translating, with Special Reference to Principles and Procedures Involved in Bible Translating. Leiden, Holland: Brill.
Tytler, Alexander Fraser, Lord Woodhouselee. 1813 (3). Essay on the Principles of Translation. Repr. London: J.M. Dent; New York: E.P. Dutton, n.d.
Vermeer, H. J. 2001. Skopos and Commission in Translational Action. The Translation Studies Reader, L. Venuti and M. Baker (eds). London/New York: Routlege, p. 221-232.
Vinay, J.-P., Darbelnet J. 1958. Stylistique comparée du français et de l’anglais. Paris: Didier.
Vinay, J.-P., Darbelnet J.A 2000. Methodology for Translation. The Translation Studies Reader, L. 21. Venuti and M. Baker (eds). London/New York: Routledge, p. 84-93.
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