Seminar: Text, culture, society 09-SSTKS1-1MH-13
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Term 2021/SZ:
During the seminar representative texts of the Argentine narrative (short story and novel) of the 20th century will be read and discussed. The main evolutionary lines of Argentine literature since the beginning of the 20th century will be explained: the final stage of modernism and the rebirth of literary nationalism, the appearance of the avant-gardes, the consolidation of the (neo) fantastic, and the emergence of new narrative forms. From the second half of the century, complex political processes will take place that will tragically mark, with a succession of authoritarian and dictatorial governments, Argentine cultural and institutional life up to the present day. All of this will find its reflection in the literary works of the period. The corpus of the course includes both texts considered classics, as well as others perhaps less familiar (to Polish readers) but no less valuable and influential. |
Module learning aims
Number of hours
Methods of teaching for learning outcomes achievement
Cycle of studies
Module type
Year of studies (where relevant)
Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences
Course coordinators
Term 2021/SZ:
The list of primary texts will be provided at the beginning of the course Secondary bibliography AAVV. Historia de la literatura argentina. Tomos 1, 2, 3 y 4. Centro Editor de América Latina, Buenos Aires, 1980. |
Additional information
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