Subject Seminar – Linguistics 09-SSJ3-MF-22
1. Epistemic modality and evidentiality (reading 13)
2. Epistemic modality and non-assrtive contexts: aucun (history and present-day distributional properties), un tant soit peu (readings 7, 14)
3. Connecting words: même, quand même, ne serait-ce que, seulement, parce que, car (reading 2)
4. Subjectivity and passive voice: se faire - infinitive (reading 11)
5. Word formation and collective quantification (Italian and French; reading 1)
6. Part - whole relations and inalienable possession (the syntax of body part names; readings 10, 12)
7. Tense, aspect and auxiliaries (readings 3, 6)
8. Psycholinguistics - methods, research tasks (reading 9)
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Cycle of studies
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Course coordinators
Term 2019/SL: | Term 2022/SL: | Term 2021/SL: | Term 2020/SL: |
Learning outcomes
Course participant identfies and makes an i-depth analysis of various subectivity-related phenomena in particular areas of grammar; he / she is aware of their origin and can single out their particular variants
Assessment criteria
Exam questions are allotted by the teacher. They are rigorously devoted to learning material and the contents of class hours. The completion of the semester is made on the basis of participation and activity during class hours. Oarl exam via MS Teams
Aliquot-Suengas, Sophie. 2003. ‘Les dérivés français à référence collective’. Langages 37, pp. 33-50.
Blochowiak, Joanna, Cristina Grisot and Liesbeth Degand. 2020. ‘What type of subjectivity lies behind French causal connectives? A corpus-based comparative investigation of car and parce que.’ Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 5(1): 50. 1–36.
Bres, Jacques and Emmanuelle Labeau. 2015. Venir de (+ infinitive): An immediate anteriority marker in French. Diachronica 32:4, pp. 530–570.
Charnavel, Isabelle. 2010. ‘Anaphoricity, logophoricity and intensification: The puzzling case of son propre in French’. In: Romance Linguistics 2009: Selected papers from the 39th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL), Tucson, Arizona, March 2009, Edited by Sonia Colina, Antxon Olarrea and Ana Maria Carvalho, pp. 187–202. Amsterdam-Philadelphia : John Benjamins.
Charnavel, Isabelle. 2017. ‘Chapter 3. How French sheds new light on scalar particles’. In: Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 11: Selected papers from the 44th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL), London, Ontario, Edited by Silvia Perpiñán, David Heap, Itziri Moreno-Villamar and Adriana Soto-Corominas, pp. 53–75. Amsterdam-Philadelphia : John Benjamins.
Combettes, Bernard. 2018. ‘La subordination dans la Chronique de Frédégaire : les propositions non régies’. In Latin tardif, français ancien : Continuités et ruptures, edited by Anne Carlier, Céline Guillot-Barbance, pp. 373-412. Berlin-Munich-Boston: DeGruyter.
Dhoukar, Asma. 2018. ‘Aucun, évolution diachronique’ In: SHS Web of Conferences 46, Congrès Mondial de Linguistique Française - CMLF 2018. 10.1051/shsconf/20184603001
Hummel, Martin. 2018. ‘La structure “verbe + adjectif”: Parler vrai, dire juste, faire simple et compagnie’. Revue Romane 53:2, pp. 261–296
Labelle, Marie. 2001. ‘Trente ans de psycholinguistique.’ Revue québécoise de linguistique 30 :1, pp. 155-176.
Lavric, Eva. 2001. ‘Parties du corps actives et passives.’ Revue de linguistique romane 65, pp. 145-168.
Le Bellec, Christel. 2014. ‘La construction passive en ‘se faire’: une forme concurrente et compl´ementaire du passif canonique.’ Journal of French Language Studies 24:2, pp. 203–222
Riegel, Martin. 1991. ‘Transitivité et conditionnements cognitifs: la relation partie-tout et la complémentation verbale’. Linx 24, pp. 133-146.
Tobback, Els and Peter Lauwers. 2012. ‘Une analyse en miroir de deux semi-copules évidentielles: s’avérer et se révéler.’ Revue Romane 47 :1, pp. 49-75.
Voicu, Roxana. 2019. ‘La polarité de un tant soit peu.’ Journal of French Language Studies 29:3, pp. 373–395.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: