Practical knowledge of first specialist language 09-PRNJIZ-26
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Module learning aims
Course coordinators
Term 2019/SL: | Term 2021/SL: |
Learning outcomes
After the course the student:
Understands main ideas of written texts, including texts on contemporary and abstract topics.
Understands discussion and other spoken texts, including texts on abstract topics.
Is able to communicate fluently and spontaneously using a style appropriate for the situational context, including
communication with native speakers of English.
Can write clear, concise texts that are grammatically correct, using appropriate style for the situational context.
Has mastered correct pronunciation and intonation of English.
Has achieved basic cultural knowledge of the English-speaking countries.
Assessment criteria
Requirements to complete the course:
a series of written tests, obligatory reading, oral presentations and essays.
Max. 2 absences allowed per semester.
The final grade based on the result of the final examination.
1 O'Dell, F., Broadhead, A. 2008. Objective CAE. Second Edition. Cambridge University Press. (rozdziały 1–12)
2 Vince, M. 2009. FCE Language Practice. Macmillan Education. (wybrane rozdziały z części gramatycznej)
3 Articles from British and American Internet websites.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: