Sanskrit 09-PNSKT-26
The students will become familiar with the most important aspects of Sanskrit grammar. They will acquire a basic vocabulary and so be able to communicate themselves in both oral and written form, as well as read moderately difficult texts of different kinds (poetry, epics, philosophy etc.). In the course of the reading exercises they will also become familiar with the classical culture of India.
Arthur Anthony MacDonell, A Vedic Grammar for Students, Oxford 1916.
Georg Bühler, Podręcznik sanskrytu, Warszawa 1977.
Andrzej Gawronski, Podręcznik sanskytu, Warszawa 2004.
Robert Goldman/Sally J. Sutherland Goldman, Devavanipravesika. An Introduction to the Sanskrit Language, Berkeley 2004.
Manfred Mayrhofer, Sanskrit-Grammatik, Berlin/New York 1978.
Marek Mejor, Sanskryt, Warszawa 2000.
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