Practical knowledge of Lithuanian 09-PNJL-16
Reading and discussing press articles and short pieces of literature combined with text analysis. Writing short texts based on materials included in the syllabus. Speaking and writing drills (i.e. describing different situations, events, things and issues). Learning, practicing and mastering other grammatical structures.
Term 2020/SZ:
Classes cover this range of material The above-mentioned parts of speech (their variation, use, etc.) in practical Lithuanian language classes are strengthened by exercises. After learning most of the new material, a test of the news is carried out , thanks to which it is known how students learned the material and what should be repeated or explained again. In classes not only in phonetics, students read the accented text. Working on pronunciation involves repeating given words, sounds, etc. several times. |
Term 2021/SZ:
Classes cover this range of material The above-mentioned parts of speech (their variation, use, etc.) in practical Lithuanian language classes are strengthened by exercises. After learning most of the new material, a test of the news is carried out , thanks to which it is known how students learned the material and what should be repeated or explained again. In classes not only in phonetics, students read the accented text. Working on pronunciation involves repeating given words, sounds, etc. several times. |
Module learning aims
Information on where to find course materials
Number of hours
Cycle of studies
Module type
Year of studies (where relevant)
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course student:
1. is able to understand spoken and written popular texts
2. can translate and analyze texts of Lithuanian language in terms of grammar and pragmatic to the extent that the subject
3. can speak and hold a conversation in the Lithuanian language on a variety of topics from everyday life using grammatical structures within the scope of the subject
4. is able to communicate in writing in Lithuanian (short texts on everyday life, the characteristics of the person, letters, etc.)
5. know elementary grammatical terminology within the scope of the
6. can independently use the sources of information about the spelling
Assessment criteria
- Written and oral final exam, partial tests in the learning process
- Oral final exam, partial tests in the educational process, the current control during classes
- evaluation of extra-curricular tasks
Assessment criteria:
The prerequisite is completion of all testing and surveillance (every 4 teaching units, a minimum of 61%), allowed two unexcused absences in a semester, the final evaluation on the basis of an oral and written examination (<61% - ndst, dst 61-70%, 71 - dst + 75%, 76-85% db, db + 86-90%, 91%
Pakerys, A., Pupkis, A. 2004. Lietuvių kalbos bendrinė tartis. Vilnius: Gimtasis žodis;
Ramonienė, M., Vilkienė, L. 1999. Po truputį (pratybų sąsiuvinis). Vilnius: Baltos lankos; (audio kaseta) Ramonienė, M., Vilkienė, L. 1999. Po truputį (vadovėlis). Vilnius: Baltos lankos; Stumbrienė, V., Kaškelevičienė, A. 2001. Nė dienos be lietuvių kalbos. Vilnius: Gimtasis žodis.
Pakerys, A., Pupkis, A. 2004. Lietuvių kalbos bendrinė tartis. Vilnius: Gimtasis žodis;
Ramonienė, M., Pribušauskaitė, J. 2003. Praktinė lietuvių kalbos gramatika. Vilnius: Baltos lankos;
Rėbždaitė, A.A.1998 Lietuvių kalbos žinynas. Kaunas: Šviesa ;
Algis Kalėda, Barbara Kalėda, Marija Niedzviecka, 2008, Słownik litewsko-polski, lietuvių-lenkų kalbų žodynas, Ex libris, Warszawa - Lietuvių kalbos žodynas i inne, podyktowane zapotrzebowaniem litewskie strony internetowe
Term 2020/SZ:
- Dobrovolskis, B. Lietuvių kalbos rašybos ir skyrybos pratimai X-XII klasei. 1998 . Kaunas: Šviesa; |
Term 2021/SZ:
- Dobrovolskis, B. Lietuvių kalbos rašybos ir skyrybos pratimai X-XII klasei. 1998 . Kaunas: Šviesa; |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: