Practical knowledge of Finnish 09-PNJFin-36
To provide the students with a knowledge of written and spoken Finnish i.e. grammatical structures and vocabulary, phonetically and grammatically correct usage of the Finnish language. Mastering the skills of understanding and producing correct statements in Finnish in relation to texts. Practice of writing in Finnish at all levels of language. The aims of the course are to train the students in the skills of discussing, arguing and expressing opinions in formal language, to provide the learners with a basic business vocabulary, and to give them practice in doing various translation tasks based on short narrative forms and newspaper articles. Bringing the students to the suitable level in all language skills.
Module learning aims
Cycle of studies
Module type
Year of studies (where relevant)
Course coordinators
Aaltio, M.H. 1996. Finnish for Foreigners 1. Exercises. Helsinki 1996;
Hämäläinen, E., Bessonoff, S.-M., Jatketaan harjoituksia! Lisäharjoituksia Jatketaan! -kirjaan. Helsinki: Helsingin yliopiston suomen kielen laitos 1994;
White, L., Suomen kielioppia ulkomaalaisille. Helsinki: Finn Lektura 1994;
Itkonen, T., Kieliopas. Vaasa: Kirjayhtymä 1985;
Aaltio, M.H., Finnish for Foreigners 1. Exercises. Helsinki: Otava 1987;
Silfverberg, L., Harjoituskirja suomen kielen jatko-opetusta varten. Loimaa: Finn Lectura 1991;
Metsämäki, O., Kumpulainen, A. Sana Sanasta 2. Jyväskylä: Tamertekniikka 1991.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: