Practical knowledge of first specialist language 09-NIEMPRNJI-16
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Module learning aims
Cycle of studies
Module type
Year of studies (where relevant)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
After the course the student:
- Understands the meaning of complex written texts, incluing texts on
abstract topics.
- Understands discussion and other spoken texts, including texts on
abstract topics.
- Is able to communicate properly, fluently and spontaneously using a
style adapted to situation context, including communication with German
native speakers.
- Can create correct and consistent written texts, appropriately
adjusted to situation context.
- Has mastered correct pronunciation and intonation of German.
- Has achieved basic knowledge about the German-speaking countries.
Assessment criteria
Term assessment based on: a series of fragmentary tests and an obligatory reading, oral presentations and essays.
Max. 2 absencies allowed per semester.
The final grade based on the result of the final examination.
Selected journal and newspaper articles, eg.: Werner Schmitz: Übungen zu Präpositionen und synonymen Verben, Karin Hall, Barbara Scheiner:
Übungsgrammatik, Jan Weiler: Maria, ihm schmeckt’s nicht. Christa
Pfeiffer: Phonetisches Arbeitsbuch Deutsch, Helga Dieling und Ursula
Hirschfeld: Phonetik lernen und lehren, Rudolf und Ilka Rausch: Deutsche
Phonetik für Ausländer
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: